Chapter 8: Talon's Choice

Comenzar desde el principio

Damian's eyes widen in shock knowing that this is taking a turn for the worst.

"No! no, you're wrong. He..." he tried to walk forward but steel bars come up from the floor and surrounded him and ultimately trapping him as the closed at the top.

Damian tries break out, but they were too strong for them.

"This changes everything. Imagine how deeply we can hurt the Batman. Break his heart and his will by killing this boy." Grandmaster said maliciously.

Talon objected to this and said, "No, he's supposed to take my place in the ritual."


"You lied to me. Batman was right. You were just using to..."

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Talon yelled.

"I swear to you, we'll find a replacement. Now kill him."

"Yes, Grandmaster."

Some of the bars opened given Damian the opening he needed to jump out.

But Talon just pushed him back in and was about to kill him when he started to see himself in the boy.

And it was at this moment that Red literally came crashing in.

She grunts as she rolls and stops a few feet away from Damian's cell.

"Red!?" Damian exclaimed in shock.

Said girl groans and tried to look at him but she was really dizzy from the hits she took from the Talon guard.

She rubs her head "Ow. That hurt." She muttered.

"Ruby Rose, I presume?"

The Huntress gasped at her name being spoken and looked up at the Grandmaster "How does he-"

"I don't know. He somehow knows me as well. " Damian proclaimed.

Ruby looks down, this doesn't make any sense, no one outside the Batfamily know about they're existence.

All except...The Huntress gasped, "Samantha Vanaver." She said out loud.

Damian looks at her in confusion when it finally hit him what she meant when he saw the way she was staring at the Grandmaster.

But he didn't have time to think as the Talon guard from before kicked Ruby right in the head, knocking her out.

The Talon Guard then puts his foot on her back and waited for the Grandmaster to give the order to end her.

"Talon, change of plans. I want you to kill the girl first." Grandmaster proclaimed.

Once Samantha uttered those words, the entire world stopped around Damian, it was deathly silent and the only thing he could hear was the sound of his fast beating heart.

"NO!!" He exclaimed as he tried to get out, but Talon pushed back in and he quickly makes his way towards Ruby.

The cell bars went back up and Damian could only watch as Talon got closer.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH A HAIR ON HER HEAD!!" He yelled as he tried to get out of his prison, but it was useless.

The Boy wonder started to cry helplessly as he kept trying to get out, becoming more frantic by the second.

He was so busy with trying to break free that he didn't notice that his body started to radiate a dark green aura, but it flickered and disappeared a few seconds later.

Stopping just a few inches away from the girl Talon raises his sword and was ready to strike her.

But hearing Damian's pleas to stop and looking at how helpless Red looked reminded him of how helpless he was when he was forced to watch as his father beat Evangelina to death.

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