Chapter 7: Robin's Choice

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Robin looked at his father in shock, how did he find them?

"How did you..."

"Not too hard to track, considering the bloody trail you two have left." Batman proclaimed.

Talon looks at Robin "This where you choose sides, once and for all." Talon proclaimed and leaves.

Batman tried to follow him, but Robin blocked him "No."

"We got to stop him. You don't understand, he's part of something bigger. He's using you, Robin, to get to me."

Robin rolls his eyes, "Right, it's all about the great Batman." He said sarcastically.

He glares at his father, "Well, for your information, he sees something in me that you don't." he proclaimed pointing his finger at him.

Batman swats it away "I don't have time for this. Now get out of my way before I..." he tried to walk pass him, but Robin stopped by holding out his arm and was holding a Batarang.

"Before what?" Robin inquired.

"Talon's right about one thing. The choice you make tonight will define you for the rest of your life." He said and lightly swats his son's hand away again.

Taking out his grappling hook, he tried to swing away but Robin had cut the line with his batarang.

The Dark Knight grunts as he falls back on the roof and looked at his son.

Running towards him Robin tried to kick him, but Batman dodged. But that didn't deter the Boy Wonder and he kept on trying to land a hit, but Batman was easily dodging and blocking his attacks.

But Robin finally got the upper hand when he managed to kick the Dark Knight in the chest.

The kick was so powerful that Batman was thrown a few feet near the edge.

Not giving him the chance to get up, Robin throws a smoke bomb at him and when it exploded, he jumped right in to catch the Dark Knight by surprise.

It was an epic fail and ended with him being punched away.

Batman then jumped in the air and tried to break his leg, but Robin rolled out the way and quickly got up.

But he wasn't fast enough to dodge from Batman's kick to his side.

The Boy Wonder grunts in pain, but it even got more painful when Batman grabbed him by his cloak, pulled him back and elbowed him in the stomach.

He fell to the ground, but Batman wasn't done and picked him up off his feet and Robin tried to punch to make him let go but the Dark Knight just threw him.

Running over to him, Batman kneed him in the face, but Robin recovered quickly and punched him right in the back of the knee.

Once his stance faltered, Robin started to mercilessly attack him and even managed to kick him on his back.

But Batman got up quickly before Robin could hit him again and roundhouse kicked him.

The Boy Wonder rolled across the roof but quickly got to his feet. He growls angrily and jumps on his father's back.

He kept on trying to hit him in his face and Batman tried to stop him by grabbing him, but the Boy Wonder used that to his advantage by grabbing the Dark Knight's arm, jumping off his back and then proceeded to throw him.

He then jumps into the air to do a midair flip and landed with his legs coming crashing down on Batman's stomach.

Which hurt a lot considering that Batman was still recovering from his little fight with the Talons from the museum.

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