Chapter 5

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"Why don't I ever do things for you? Oh, that's right, because it'd be stupid! As for your driving, it sucks! You speed up, slow down, sharp turn, and repeat!" Danielle snaps at Liam.

Liam slams down on the breaks again and I mentally agreed with Danielle. Liam's driving sucked.

They all open their doors and head out to the field.

Liam's already pulling out a gun, Danielle's pulling out a knife, Eleanor's got a gun, and Zayn's apparently going to use his bare hands.

I notice the other gang approaching.

"I see you've decided to show up this time," one guy says and smirks.

"I'm not here to play games, Nick," Zayn says.


Sounds somewhat creepy and obnoxious.

"You gonna fight or not?" Zayn taunts him.

"Oh, we're definitely fighting," Nick smirks.

They all back up and only a gap splits both gangs apart.

Suddenly, as if there was a sound of a bell, they all pounced on each other like a pack of hungry hyenas.

I let out a growl when my hair was suddenly being pulled on. Anger coursed through my veins, making my blood boil, and I turned around and punched the girl straight in the jaw, hard might I add.

She lets out a cry and immediately let's go of my hair.

I smirk in satisfaction and remember what the school nurse at my last school had said after she was done examining the girl I had beaten up, "You've got to be the strongest girl in the world!"

I snap out of the mere memory and shove the girl to the ground.

She cries out again and I punch her one more time.

I hated people like her, bitchy and dramatic, like come on, who pulls hair in a gang fight? Seriously.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Danielle stab someone. I'm shocked that someone as petite as Danielle, or Eleanor, would be in a gang, let alone stab someone.

I feel someone grab my shoulder and I'm about to throw another punch, but I turned to find that it was only Zayn.

He hands me something and I look at it.

A gun.

My world stops and I freeze.

"Shoot him! Prove to me that you can kill someone!" Zayn yells at me.

"Shoot?" I ask him.

"Just do it!"

Suddenly, the world starts to slow down. Everyone stops moving and Nick seemed to finally take notice of me.

I realized that I've pointed the gun at Nick, but can't bring myself to pull the trigger. I just couldn't do it.

"What are you waiting for?!" I hear Zayn shout at me, but his voice is muffled under the sound of my heartbeat.

Then a gun shot was sounded.

But it wasn't from me.

And I'm suddenly greeted with a flashback.


"Mommy! Daddy! No!" My ten-year-old self cried as the man that had shot my parents, smirked down at me.

"Don't tell anyone, little girl," he threatened and he was soon out of the house.

I fell to my knees as I looked at the blood surrounding my dad as it spurted from his stomach and mouth and my mom lying face down in the blood. It was a horrid sight and the tears rapidly fell down my face.

The gun laid on the floor, and I didn't dare to touch it.


Everything snaps back into focus and I still couldn't fire the gun. I could faintly hear Nick's muffled laughter and my heart pounding.

I wanted to be part of this gang.

I got the tattoo.

I had to prove it to Zayn.

Instead of firing, I walked up to Nick so that we were face to face.

"Hey, princess," he gives me a taunting smirk and looks back at his gang and laughs. Just as he turned back around, I hit him in the head with the end of the gun- the sound of a bone cracking echoing in my mind.


Okay, guys. You know how thankful I am that you guys are reading my stories, but some feedback would be much appreciated. Also, please read my Harry Styles fanfic if you hadn't done so already :)

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:) xx

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