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By: head-full-of-words

Chapter 1

Sophie dawned her red tunic that was embroidered with golden flowers and black pants (full of pockets, of course). She marched over to her mirror and Vinnia, the only thing that helped her with her style, popped into view.

"Hello darling (yes, she had grown to like Sophie), need help getting your hair up?"

Sophie nodded.

"Another date?" Vinnia asked, and Sophie nodded again with a blush. Vinnia grinned. "Good! You two waited way too long."

Sophie blushed again.

Deciding to date Keefe had been one of the hardest things she had ever done. Breaking up with Fitz to be with the boy she really belonged with, had been hard. Fitz had been broken for a while, but he knew it was for the best.

Sophie waved at Vinnia as she stepped away from the mirror and walked down the crystal staircase of her home. Havenfield was still in its full glory even after all of the things her and her friends had done to try to destroy it. Sandor, her burly bodyguard trailed behind her, along with three of her other guards. Even though things had settled down in the Lost Cities, it was decided that Sophie should keep her extra protection.

Her parents, Grady and Edaline, were waiting for her at the kitchen table, looking happy. Grady had finally agreed with Keefe and Sophie dating. It had taken a lot of work, and begging, and gifts, but it finally happened.

"Hey kiddo, ready to head out with -" he took a pause, forcing himself to say Keefe's name instead of 'That Boy,' "Keefe?"

"Yeah, dad," Sophie sat herself down at the table and Edaline snapped her fingers, making a bowl filled with pink 'glop to appear. Sophie had learned to trust Elvin food, even if it didn't look very good.

She took a bite and the taste of strawberry and banana filled her mouth. She grinned at Edaline, who grinned back, her sparkling turquoise eyes glinting.

They ate in comfortable silence, Grady searching through his scrolls, Edaline reading. Suddenly a knock wrung through the empty house. Sophie glanced at her parents, who smiled in encouragement. Even after dating for a year, Sophie still wasn't comfortable. It was strange to be so committed to someone, even though she knew she loved him. He was her ray of sunshine. She stood up and walked over to answer the door.

Chapter 2

"Hey Foster," said a teasing voice as Sophie walked out her front door. She glanced over and found Keefe leaning against the wall of her house, wearing his usual smirk. Even after they had started dating Keefe had kept her old nickname. It was endearing really.

"Hello, Keefe." Just because they were dating didn't mean they stopped teasing each other.

"Did you sleep alright?" Keefe asked and pushed off the wall, covering the distance between them. He tucked a stray hair behind Sophie's ear and she smiled. Butterflies filled her stomach. They never went away when he was around.

"Yes, actually." It was true. After the Neverseen had been defeated she had slept peacefully. Sometimes the nightmares would still come, but that was a rare occasion.

"You ready to go?" he asked.

"Where to this time?"

Keefe liked to surprise her with different places every time they went out. Sometimes they would even sneak into the Forbidden Cities.

They had always liked getting into trouble together.

"You won't know until we get there," he said mysteriously and grabbed her hand, pulling her into the path of light.

Immediately when they landed a draft of salty air hit Sophie right in the face. The setting sun bathed the world around her in orange, gold, and yellow. The sound of the ocean pressed against her ears. Sophie spun around on her heel and breathed in the salty air. Wherever they were the sun was going down. It was so peaceful. So beautiful.

Normally Keefe brought them to a life threatening place that they would remember forever. Like an island in the middle of the ocean that was being crashed by waves. She turned on her heel about to ask what was going on and she almost passed out. Her hands went to her mouth, tears rose in her eyes.

Keefe was on his knee holding up a black box. Inside was a beautiful diamond ring. Sophie couldn't breath.

"So Foster, what'll it be? Yes, no? 'Keefe, you're the craziest person in the world?'"

Sophie broke into a grin, happiness blossoming in her chest.

"Of course I'm going to say yes, you idiot!" He stood up and she jumped into his arms. She pulled back and kissed him. For some reason they had never kissed before but the wait had just made it that much better. He smelled like vanilla and the sun. His hair was soft on her fingertips.

He pulled back and slipped the ring onto her finger.

"Well, I finally got the Kiss Test, was it alright?" She punched his arm and grinned, yes it was everything she had dreamed of, though she'd never say it. Keefe would never let her forget it. Of course she had picked Keefe - he was the only person that could make her smile even when the world was crashing down. The only person who could hold her hand and comfort her when times were hard. She would've been crazy not to pick the boy who was the cool and steady blue breeze in her wild life.

"I love you," she whispered to him and laid her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2019 ⏰

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