Kagekao x Ej

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• "I love you.." •
Zombie apocalypse AU

No ones POV
[For whole story]
It was known this day would come, just not known when. Rampage, destruction, death, everywhere, all around the world, disease spreading like a wild fire. It was the end. The Zombie Apocalypse.

Most of the Creepypasta's had gone into hiding, some presumed dead.

Kagekao and Ej had fled off somewhere together, hand in hand even in the darkest of days. But not even theyre love was strong enough to stop what had happened.

Kage was devistated, watching everything he had lived for, hoped to keep forever crumble before him.

The masked man let out an enraged cry, shooting the beast that had locked its jaws on Ej's arm, straight through the head. One shot, then another. Always double-tap.

He ran to the mans side as he dropped to his knees, groaning as he gripped the bite wound.

Kage was crying under the mask, heavy streams of tears running down his face, pulling Ej's head into his lap as he stroked the others hair softly, reassuringly.

"I-its going to be o-ok.. you'l be fine- I-i promise.. w-we'll fix you up! Y-you'll get better!"
He couldnt help but stutter, feeling overwhelmed, his body jerking with every sob.

Ej, already being drained of all energy, feeling every sense he once had in his body begin to shut down, skin paling as he went cold. But alas, he smiled, his last, lifting his arm slowly, as he placed his hand on Kage's cheek. Muttering a last 'I love you', before his arm dropped limp into his lap, his head lolling to the side.

But Kage wasnt ready to let go. Not now, not ever. He promised he'd stay with Jack till his last breath, and that's what he intended to do.

He dropped the bag that was on his back, rumaging through it frantically. Clinking around, he pulled out a chain, smiling sadistically behind his mask.

He propped up Ej's body against a pole, snapping his mask off. He stuffed the chain into the demons mouth, and walked round the back of the body, pulling back and down, as hard as he could. Crack. He snapped off Ej's lower jaw, humming as he let go of the chain, the lifeless body slumping to the ground again.

Next, arms. He had to work quickly, seeing as the other would twitch slightly. He picked up what was Ej's weapon of choice, a large custom-made axe. He wasted no time in pressing his foot to Jack's chest, raising the weapon high above his head, before dropping it down near the shoulder of his arm, right through the bone. Doing the same with the other.

A few months had passed, perhaps 3-4. Kage still kept Ej around, despite him now being a walking dead man. He usually kept hold of him with the chain, like a leash, tugging him forward a bit whenever he wasllked too slow.

Alot of people, survivors, had told Kage he had gone completely insane, others had tried to kill Ej. Those ones were always less fortunate. Kage would swiftly kill them without a second thought, feeding what he could of the flesh to Jack.

But the more people would shout at him, try to rid of his undead boyfriend, the more he began to realise what he really had done. That he truly had gone insane.

Now, it was hard on the man. He promised he would never let go, never leave him. And he wanted to stand by his words, but it wasnt healthy to go on like this.

He held his head low, a gun inehis back pocket, the chain in his hand, dragging Ej along as he would let out disturbing gurgles and growls occasionally.

They came to a field, with a small hill, flowers everywhere and a small tree. This was the first place they had met, one magical night.

He tugged Ej over to the tree, and sat them both down, staring off into the distance. For a change it all seemed, quiet, peaceful. It was nice.

He let out a sigh. This was the moment he dreaded, yet also longed for. He couldnt help the few tears that ran down his face, but bit back the sobs and tried to keep his smile.

He turned to look at the creature beside him, pressing their foreheads together, ignoring the gutteral sound coming from the zombie.

He pulled a gun out of his back pocket, sniffling as he dragged out a sigh, lifting the hand shakily, pressing it softly against the back of Jacks head. He smiled, in response to the gurgle the zombie made, lining up they're heads, muttering.

[Im so sorry.. I love you...]


• 805 words •
• Requested •

Hhh, The feels man

Have some Angst hhg

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