thirty - three ( Hey, My True Love )

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It has been 2 weeks Xiao Zhan in a comma. Yibo has healed but still need some therapies to fully recover which he often rejected. His days in hospital he spent to accompany Xiao Xhan in his room, even though the doctor begged him to stay in his room.

Like now, Yibo was sitting on the chair next to Xiao Zhan. He was peeling an apple.

"Zhan ge... You have to eat. So you can get a strength to recover, like me. What did you eat here? Only those clear fluid from the hose! Everyone kept forcing me to eat when I don't want to. They say I have to eat to stay alive and watching you getting your life back. But why is it so long?" Yibo ranted about. He bit the peeled apple.

Yibo stared at Xiao Zhan's expressionless face , while chewing the apple. Then a smile formed on his lips. He stood up and leaned his face closer to Xiao Zhan's. He placed his own lips on Xiao Zhan, sucked it lightly, and licked it. Then he pulled back.

"I miss you so much..." He whispered.

Next, he climbed up Xiao Zhan:s bed and laid down next to him. He put one of his hand over Xiao Zhan's chest, and supported his head with the other one. Slowly he trailed Xiao Zhan's face with kisses. He didn't notice that the cardiolography machine was act strangely with its beeps sound. Until he licked Xiao Zhan's  underlip little mole. The sound of the beeps came rapidly, made Yibo jumped out of the bed and called the doctor.

A few minutes later, the doctor and a nurse dashed into the room and did the check up on Xiao Zhan. After the doctor gave Xiao Zhan a sedative injection, his impulse back to normal. Everyone in the room,except Xiao Zhan, sighed in relief.

"What happened to him ,Doctor?" Yibo asked.

"Nothing serious. He only got shock or excited over something. He's fine." The doctor said.

"That means, he can wake up soon?"

"We're not sure about that. Maybe needs a miracle for that. But eventually, he'll wake up,as I predicted.."

"Ooh... That also good enough..." Yibo mumbled.

Then the doctor and the nurse left the room.

Yibo looked at Xiao Zhan's direction, then smirked. He jumped to Xiao Zhan excitedly.

"So do you wanna say that you miss me too, Zhan ge ? I love you!" Yibo kissed Xiao Zhan's cheek repeteadly.

Somebody knocked at the door. Yibo snapped his head toward the door. There was Liang Zhang Feng  an Liang Yifeng stood there. Yibo got up and stood next to Xiao Zhan's bed.

"Why are you here?" Yibo asked, rudely.

Liang Zhang Feng smirked. He entered the room, followed by Liang Yifeng.

"Can't I visit the person that I saved?" Liang Zhang Feng said, sharply.

"I know you saved us. And I feel thankful to you.But you're not gonna bring my Zhan back to your dark world. No, before you over my dead body!" Yibo retorted.

Liang Zhang Feng whistled then he chuckled.

"Wht a protective boyfriend! Xiao Zhan sure lucky to have you!"

Yibo didn't say anything. Only his eyes were fixed on Liang Zhang Feng and Liang Yifeng.

"Do you know why I came here?"

Yibo didn't answer.

"I only want to see him. He's been with me since he was 15 years old. He was a brave and great guy back then in gangster history. But only one is his weakness." Liang Zhang Feng paused. He smirked at Yibo. "Love." Then he laughed.

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