thirteen ( Amusing Amusement Park )

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"Where should we go now?" Asked Xiao Zhan when they stepped out of a restaurant.

"Where do you want to go?" Wang Yibo asked him, instead.

Xiao Zhan was thinking. A finger under his chin. His eyes beamed when an idea flashed in his head. "Amusement park!' he cried.

Wang Yibo's eyebrows knitted closer .

"Why do you want to go to such place? It's not like you are a little kid or teenager," Wang Yibo teased, made Xiao Zhan pouted.

"Wey! Is amusement park made only for kids or teenager? I'm not that old,anyway...!" Xiao Zhan scawled.

Wang Yibo chuckled. He pinched Xiao Zhan's cheek. " You are too cute to be a gangster." Then he walked away.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Xiao Zhan yelled.

"You said you want to go to amusement park," Wang Yibo answered.

"What? Yayyy....!" Xiao Zhan jumped excitedly.

"You supposed bring Ah Liang along, though. She must be happy goes to the place," said Wang Yibo, buckling Xiao Zhan's seatbelt.

"Wey...! You asked me to hand her over to Mrs. Han so we can go for a date. Or do you want she ruins our first date?" Xiao Zhan confronted.

Wang Yibo froze hearing Xiao Zhan's words. He stared at Xiao Zhan whom his face inches away from his.

"Zhan-ge... A-are you serious?" Wang Yibo stutered. But his eyes were sparked with excitement.

"You said it's a date this afternoon. So it is,' Xiao zhan snorted. "Even it is kind of strange,go for a date with another man, instead of a girl. It's like a gay couple date," Xiao Zhan chuckled.

Wang Yibo beaming face dropped. He pulled himself from Xiao Zhan amd gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"But since you are my boss, so I don't mind to go for a date with you," Xiao Zhan smiled sweetly.

"Yeah.... Thanks!" Said Wang Yibo, darkly.

"Then off we go!" Xiao Zhan provided.

"Mm," hummed Wang Yibo. Then he reached the ignition and started the engine. In a second, he pulled the car out of the parking lot.

"Wang-ye! What do you want to ride first?" Asked Xiao Zhan, when they already entered the amusement park.

Wamg Yibo looked around the park. And when he spoted a riding, he pointed out. "There." He said.

Xiao Zhan followed the spot pointed by Wang Yibo. It was a rollercoaster.

"There?" Xiao Zhan confirmed it.


"No! We can't ride the rollercoaster right now, Wang-ye!" Xiao Zhan declined.

"Why?" Asked Wang Yibo, didn't understand.

Xiao Zhan faced Wang Yibo. Hands crossed in front of his chest.

"Have you ever gone to amusement park before?"

Wang Yibo shook his head.

"Are you serious, Wangye? You never been to amusement park for all of your life?" Xiao Zhan shouted in disbelief.

Again Wang Yibo shook his head.

"Ok. Never mind! We better ride that!" Xiao Zuan pulled Wang Yibo's hand to the tea cup riding. They joined the queue with other people to the riding.

"Do you know how to ride it?" Asked Xiao Zhan when they sat on the tea cup riding.

"Like driving the car?"

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