Progress and possibility

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June 29, 1991

It was still 8 am and Harry is riding his was on his way to their camp, he had Tippy make him some, lunch, dinner and some snacks because he intended to spent his whole day there. He had so much thinking to do about his parents. He didn't know what to feel about them if he was honest. So as much as possible he would do a lot of thinking while working.

He arrived at the camp 10 minutes later, he placed his bike properly in one of the trees in the warded area. Took his backpack with him and went inside the tent. He pulled out the food in his bag first and placed it on the dining table. He then pulled out his mix tapes of his favorite songs, put in the radio player to liven up the tent. He went back to the dining table to prepare his breakfast and separated his lunch, dinner and snacks for later. He then proceeded to eat while listening to the Beatles. While eating he planned out how he is going to spend the next 13 hours.

When he was done eating he cleaned up his mess. He went to Hedwig's perch and put bacons in it. Crookshanks was with Hermione. He then went to the ward stones to check if there was something wrong with it, he then keyed Luna using a strand of her hair. After that, he went to the plant and gardened it so they can plant additional weed later with a fresh dragon dung that Luna will bring later. He then went to cut the bushes in the area they will use for the additional camp, he also cleaned their fireplace, creating more space where the three of them would fit cozily.

It was now 11:30 when Hermione arrived at their camp, she brought her lunch and they ate together. Hermione then told him how she was now only able to spend her time in the camp during weekdays and how her parents expect her to spend time with David as often as possible. After she was finished, Harry told her about what happened when he got home, how they seemed to wait for him to get their house and how they wanted to talk to him and that it would be better if they talked today.

"My God Harry what were you doing that made you go home at 11 in the evening." Hermione asked, he wasn't too busy during the school year so he probably have some secret summer project he wasn't telling her and she was going to milk the information out of him. "I think it should stay secret for now. But it will be awesome when it's done." Harry replied. Hermione pouted at him and he chuckled at her which made her pout more "But what if I can help you with it." Hermione said and Harry shook his head as if to say it's not a good enough reason to show it to her. "Okay, how about this, I tell you my secrets and you tell me yours?" Hermione negotiated. Harry thought about it for a while, "Sure, lets trade secrets. So what's your big secret project?" Harry asked

Hermione took his hand and lead him to her lab. "Okay, I have two big project and one really big project. The first project is recently finished and the second big project will finish really soon. While the third really big project already has an outline. The first project is this." Hermione said presenting him with a ward stone, "this stone can alchemically turn any normal ink into magical inks. You know what this means right?" Hermione said with one rising eyebrow, "That now we now have unlimited supply of magical inks and that we can cut our expenses while charging at the same price." Harry replied.

"Another advantage is that this ink is less volatile ink than the ones that had a magical blood in it, which means it won't destroy machines accidentally say a copier machine" Hermione said looking at Harry to see if he is in the same line of thought as her. Harry's eyes widen at the realization. "So now we can mass produce items like the map and we can use this ink to mechanically produce than manually." Harry said

"Exactly, next is going to finish soon, it's basically changes heat and combustion into chemical batteries and the last is to change any metal into the strongest while most flexible metal on earth a metal by my own design, I based this idea on Vibranium you know like in Black Panther." Hermione said, "Okay now it's your turn to tell me your project" Hermione continued. Harry took her hand and led her to his workshop.

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