Potter Household

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June 30, 1991

When Harry arrived at his house, he quickly placed his bike at the side of the house. He was sweaty, smelly and his shirt now sticks to his body. He went to the door and opened, when he opened the door he saw that, his parents had been waiting for him, at the living room, "Ah, Harry you've arrived, can you please join us so we can talk?" James asked, "Sure, can you wait for a few minutes I'm just going to take a shower and clean myself up." Harry then move towards the stairs and went up when James and Lily nodded their heads. They really wondered what he was up to but they decided not to ask him and just let him be for now, prying into his business might cause further damage into their broken relationship. They also wondered why they treated their son like that, they did took care of Rose and spent time with her even though they were very busy working in the Ministry and dealing with Scott's popularity.

When Harry was born, they were scared, young and very happy, they were 22 when Harry was born and they just got married the previous year. War was still brewing in Magical Britain, He was rising in his position as a auror while Lily was taking a mastery in runes after she got her mastery in charms but even then they spent as much time they can with Harry then Scott after they had him, They still remembered when Harry was playing with Scott while Scott was in their arms. Saying he was going to be the best big brother he had, showing his toys with him, he would even help them to stop Scott from crying. Then Scott became the boy-who-lived, the next 3 years was the most hectic years they experienced. They can see why they would spend less time with Harry as Magical Britain was demanding to see their savior, also it was the perfect moment to push laws against death eaters though there were a few death eaters that got away like Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Nott. It was the perfect opportunity to support the muggle borns in their country too and they were helping families, victims from the war. But to completely forget him was something they could not understand. They didn't even have memories of him eating together at their home and of him in their vacations. They suspected that it was a curse by Voldemort when they were stunned that made them treat Harry like that.

When he was done taking a shower and placing his bag so it won't destroy the contents inside, put on a fresh set of clothes and went downstairs. "Are you finished Harry?" James asked, Harry nodded as a reply James then gestured to take a seat. Harry took a seat in front of them.

Scott have been watching his mum and dad the whole day. They were worried, sad, and guilty. Even Rose's cheerful attitude failed to make the cheerful. They just put a forced smile on the two of them. He didn't know why they were being like that, that's why he hid to listen the conversation between them and Uncle Remus and Uncle Sirius. What he picked up from their conversation was that it was about Harry, and how they treated and neglected him, how they were going to talk to Harry this evening and hope it won't go too bad.

That afternoon Scott had been thinking about Harry, to be honest he thought that he was his cousin, he rarely sees him in this house and thought that his mum and dad just let him sleep over and always be welcome in their house. Back then when he was playing alone or with his nanny he would hope that he would stay over and play with him. He thought how awesome it would have been if he had a big brother. That's why he was spending time as much as he can with Rose so that she won't be as lonely like he was back then. It shocked him to his core when he found out that Harry was actually his older brother and that because of mum, dad and him he would prefer to go outside than spend time with them. Their mum and dad because they wouldn't spend time with him because of him. His parents weren't perfect by any means, he only got to spend time with them during the night or sometimes the weekend if they weren't very busy.

He felt immensely guilty for that and for causing his parents and brother so much grief. If he wasn't the boy-who-lived, how he wished he wasn't, it caused too many problems than solutions. He couldn't even stroll in Diagon Alley, always hearing whispers and people coming up to him and to thank him for something he didn't remembered. He only had a few close friends and would always be wary of other children befriending him, they would always befriend just because he and his parents are famous or because the Potters are an influential family.

He was now upstairs, he snuck out of his room to listen the conversation that was about to happen, to know what truly happened all those years his brother had been absent.

"First things we want to say is that we are sorry for how we treated you, it was terrible, it was cruel and it was a big mistake on our part to do that. We feel very ashamed, guilty, angry at ourselves and depressed that we were capable of doing that. And we cannot fathom what had gotten in our heads for us to neglect and forget about you. We hope that you will find it to forgive us for doing that. I know that it won't be instant and it might take forever for you to forgive us, we just want you to know that we understand if you don't and that we are truly sorry for what we did." Lily said in between sobs as she was crying, all she can hope now is that her plea for forgiveness won't fall on deaf ears.

"And that we would like to enter into your life. I know we don't deserve to be part of your life ever, we would like to let you know that whenever you feel ready of having us in your life we'll love that and that we would be willing to wait no matter how long it will take" James continued, tears were rolling down his eyes while saying those things.

Harry tried to be angry at them, to say to their faces that they had already lost their chance of forgiveness and to be part of his life would be impossible for them, to say the meanest thing anyone could say to them that would for a lifetime but for the life of him he just couldn't do it. Maybe there was still a kindle of fire in his heart that loved his mum and dad "I don't know....I mean." Harry tried to say but he was unable to continue. He didn't know what to feel or say to what they just said. He breathed in and out to calm himself and gather his thoughts. After he was calm and collected he exhaled.

"You know if I was still 7 years old, I would have easily forgiven you and easily accepted to my life like a snap of my fingers. But I'm no longer a kid who was longing for his parents to spare him just a second, a second of their damn time to look at me and acknowledge me, to see me as their own son and not a piece of cabinet in the storage room, where they can just ignore. Well I'm no longer 7 years old and I'm tired being treated like a piece of junk and I had moved on from this family a long time ago. I see the two of you and think that you two are a very bad chapter of my life, a chapter that I don't want to go through again. What you're asking out of me is something that is very hard thing for me to do." Harry sighed, but he wasn't done yet, "To be honest, there is a part of me that wants to forgive you and give you a chance. BUT. I don't know if I can trust you guys to not hurt me again. That you wouldn't let me relive that bad chapter that I had moved on already."

"We'll try our best, truly we will. We know it will be very hard" Lily said excitedly, there was still hope and she would not let it go. "Just don't get your hopes up. Just because I said I want to, doesn't mean I will. I'm going to bed now" Harry replied, without a second thought he went upstairs. "Thank you" Lily whispered. James then hugged her and kiss her, he's going to forgive us Lily but we should work for it. Why don't we go up to bed too?" James said after the kiss, as a reply Lily nodded.

The next 8 days on the Potter household was awkward, Harry was present during mealtimes but only converse to them a little, he did spend a lot of time with Scott and Rose. His parent's didn't pestered him to where he was going all the time, which he was thankful for. His parents did try to do some small talk to him. They purposefully tried their best to avoid the topic of his childhood but it did came up from time to time which made them very awkward. His father would ask him if he likes quidditch, or if he did some pranks in Hogwarts, he would also talk about transfiguration, defense and arithmancy which is his best subjects. His mother would ask him about the subjects in Hogwarts and asked him about wizarding games, but he only knew chess and exploding snap. So she told him about different games that to the magical games and games from the muggle world and made it to magical. Like snake and ladders and monopoly. This got Harry's attention and asked her how she was able to do that.

While he and his father bonded over quidditch and transfiguration as he was also trying to be an animagus. His mother and he bonded over magical board games that was from the muggle world.

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