New Traditions and Celebrations

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Finding the Room of Requirement was a breakthrough for them, the room contained a lot of knowledge regarding the theories and application of Alchemy which was much better than the books the library had, as it only contains the history, and basic alchemy. But what amazed them was the room of lost things. It had a lot of jewelries, books, enchanted items that they could sell, the only problem was that, a lot of those items are probably dark items that should be checked out before they get it. So they decided it was best to acquire knowledge on curse breaking and detecting dark items before they steal the items in the room of lost things.  The last room they checked was the room to become stronger wizards. The most important they found out about that room was the study of the mind arts. The two of them had a lot of secrets, and it wouldn't do well if people can easily get their secrets. So they first prioritize learning occlumency, warding, curse breaking, dark arts detecting, healing, alchemy, legillimency, animagus training and dueling. They also found a book on potions that are 7th year material, in that book they found the procedure on making the aging potion. They then dropped everything they were doing to focus on that. Copying every detail that is in the book.


October 14 1989

Harry was holding Hermione's hand, leading her down to a secluded part, of the shore on the lake. When they arrived to the location. "TA-DA!" Harry said with his presenting what he had done to the place. Hermione was shocked, Harry had set up a picnic beautifully. "Do you like it?" Harry asked, hoping she would like the picnic he had setup for her. Hermione nodded as a response to his question "Why did you do this?" Hermione asked.

"Well, today's your birthday, and well, we've been friends for like 4 years now, and we never celebrate it or any holiday because we had the mutual understanding that celebrating it brings bad memories to us. Now we have a great purpose in our lives, now we have a reason to celebrate, our minor success in our plans, for staying strong even though our lives are hard, for not letting setbacks derailed the two of us, for having each other backs in this 4 years and most importantly our friendship." Harry said while holding Hermione's hand, his voice was cracking while saying the speech as tears were threatening to fall down. Hermione let go of his hands and slowly sneaked her arms around his to hug him.

"Thank you Harry." Hermione said, tears were now falling in their faces "I'm really thankful and glad that you became my friend 4 years ago. I would not want to know what the kind of person I'll become if you hadn't befriended me 4 years ago in the library. "Hermione continued. "I'm really glad that you're my friend Hermione" Harry replied, wiping the few tears that had fell down, "How about we continue with the celebration? It is your birthday today." Harry continued. Hermione then broke off the hug, took Harry's hand and lead him to the picnic. When they had the picnic, they didn't talked about the extra subjects they were studying or the classes in Hogwarts. Instead they were talking about their classmates, upcoming movies, music and the Lord of the Rings and other fictional books they had read. They also laughed about the crazy antics that Crookshanks and Hedwig were having. That day was the start of the two of them having traditions they can celebrate.


December 1989

Harry and Hermione were on board on the train, they had opted to go to Godric's Hallow to spend Christmas, they would have loved to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas but they remembered that they didn't hid their tents. When they finally arrived at the platform and quickly flooed to Godric's Inn, they put away their wands they brought at Ollivander's together with their school trunk so they wouldn't accidentally use it.

Upon reaching their camp, they were happy to see, that their camp was still the same when they left except for some leaves, twigs and dirt. The wards was still intact and strong. "Maybe we should ward this area to keep off snow, pest and keep it warm" Hermione suggested. "Yeah, I think so too, we should just use the used ward stone, those wards you said were weak wards, the ward stones could handle it." Harry replied.

When they checked out the camp it was abundant of bugs and was dusty but a few charms here and there and it would be like they never left. They then proceeded to work, going dumpster diving, it was good haul for them that Christmas holiday, when they found a lot of TV's, radios, mix tape players and large mobile phones that were thrown away that was easy to fix with magic. They were very happy when they had found 2 sets of jewelry box that had contained a small amount of broken jewelry but with magic can be easily fixed. When Christmas holidays were done they had earned additional 700 pounds.

They opted to watch a non-Christmas movie in a cinema as a celebration on Christmas. They also ordered take-out food to eat at their camp. They also walked around town to shop for Christmas, buying items that catch their fancy. When they arrived at the camp, they continued their celebration, by sitting around the fire, roasting marshmallows and eating the take-out they bought, talking about the movie they had just watched.

Hermione had also converted some cash on her trust fund into galleons, the 60 galleons would be divided, 40 galleons would be kept by them for savings and the 20 galleons would be deposited in her Gringotts vault while the remaining 1,000 pounds would stay at her bank account. When they calculated their overall savings they were happy to see the amount they had

7,000 galleons from Harry's trust vault, 80 galleons from Hermione's trust vault. Another 7,000 pounds from working for Paul, 500 pounds from dumpster diving. Plus there non-monetary wealth such as the jewelry, that they estimated to be worth around 2,000 pounds. Their savings was now 7,080 galleons, and a total of 9,500 pounds.

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