"I'm sorry you have to deal with them, Cam. Your mom is like, queen bitch, and none of what she says to you is true. I'm surprised she hasn't caught fire sooner; does your mom wear only skirts?" I asked, and Camden giggled. 

"N-No," he said, nudging my shoulder with his. I nudged back with a smile, letting go of his hand to wrap my arm around him. He nestled comfortably into my side. 

"I-I know what t-they say isn't t-true, but it still h-h-hurts. I d-don't know w-why." He confessed, sounding confused and sad. 

I pressed a light kiss to his temple. "Because they're you're parents. They're shitty and they totally suck ass, but they are. And unfortunately, the people you love hold the greatest opportunity to hurt you." I said, looking up at the stars. "It makes you wonder if it's really worth it to love at all."

"W-Well...that's t-true. But the whole w-world would suck i-if there was no love. D-Don't you think?" Camden said, looking up at me. His eyes were so full of hope, it crushed all my cynicism and made me smile. 

"Yeah. You're right," I muttered, looking away with a smile. I noticed a car coming down the road, and looked over as the bright headlights shone on us. I shielded my eyes a bit, and with a start I realized I recognized the driver as it got closer. My mother, smiling as she saw me. 

"Oh shit," I said, standing up and making Cam stand with me. "I'm afraid we're gonna have to make a break for it, my little caterpillar." 

"W-What? Agh!" Cam exclaimed as I grabbed his hand and took off running. "W-Why are we running?!" I heard him call out behind me. 

"Just trust me!" I said, looking back at him with a grin. 

I kept running, pulling him along until we got to a nook where some trash cans were stored. I pushed Cam in the small alley first, and hid behind a trash can beside him, panting. 

I waited, and waited, and finally I saw my mom's car creeping along the road as she looked for me. I ducked behind the can,  grinning as Cam gave me a look like I was crazy. 

Eventually I heard the car pull away, and I sighed in relief. I then winced and laughed as Camden smacked me in the chest. 

"W-What the heck was t-that about?!" He asked, raising his eyebrows and huffing adorably. 

"My mother," I said simply. 

"S-She's back?" He asked hesitantly. 

"Ugh. Unfortunately. But i'm totally avoiding her this time, so it's okay," I grinned, checking to make sure she wasn't lurking around anywhere before standing up. I offered a hand to Cam, which he took as he stood beside me. 

"That's w-why you went f-for a walk too, huh?" He asked, looking up at me with the same concern I had for him earlier. 

I nodded. "Yep, sure was. This time, though...I really just hope she stays gone, you know?" I said, rubbing the back of my neck and chuckling oddly, like it was some joke. 

Camden stepped forward and pulled me into a hug, surprising me. "I know," he said softly. "I know." 

I hugged back, not realizing how much I needed it. I inhaled his scent, and he smelled like cinnamon, like he always did. And unlike with my mom, I didn't have to worry about empty promises.

A thought came to me suddenly, and I pulled back with a grin. "You know...we never did get to finish our kiss earlier," I mentioned, and even with just the moonlight I could see him blush. 

"W-We're among trashcans!" Cam pointed out all flustered. 

I laughed, locking my hands behind his lower back and holding him to me as I smiled down at him. "It's a scene change, that's for sure. But, when we kiss I don't notice anything else anyway," I said matter of factly.

Next thing I know i'm being pulled down by my coat lapels into a heated kiss. We invaded every aspect of each other's space, clinging tightly to each other. I bit at his lower lip, causing him to open his lips and let me slip my tongue in. 

Our tongues danced as I brought my hands up to cup his face, gently tilting his head back for a better angle. He tasted so good, indescribably good. I felt like I was standing on air, like I had won the lottery, like nothing i've ever felt before. 

I slowed the kiss, gently kissing his lips as we both gasped for air. I pulled back, looking down at him for the millionth time yet it felt like I had never seen him before. It was the most amazing thing.

"Cam, I..." I trailed off, not knowing how to portray what I was feeling-not in words, at least. 

"Yeah. Me too," he breathed softly. 

And we kissed again, and again, because neither of us were ready to go home yet. Not without each other.

----------*looks around* where did all this cheese come from, it wasn't me. Happy 2015! (hopefully)----------

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