DAY 1 Year 5 -continued

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Teddy's POV

"So that's the plan? In its entirety?" I said looking around all of my evil devilish family that had planned an evil devilish prank.

"Yes Lupin, that is it." James said  looking around all of our evil devilish family that had planned an evil devilish prank.

"Well if you ask me it's pretty legit so yeah I'm cool with it." Victoire shrugged which made her silver hair bounce a little and fall into the sunlight that made them glow turning them blonde- sorry where were we?

"I'm good to go." Albus said grinning
"Me too." Scorpio smiled

"Cheers to fourth consecutive year of the Weasley potter pranks!" Victoire said loudly, "and Jordan and Malfoy." She grinned at Scorpio and frank, since it was not of their first years with our pranks.

"Cheers!" We all repeated.

"Let's go change now?" Rose asked, she spoke after a long time.

"Yes I agree." Molly exasperated, she had not joined in our plan and was expecting rose to follow her lead but rose had actively taken a participation in it, I felt proud of her than ever.

I changed alone with Frank, and Lysander, when I was in my hufflepuff cloths I went back to the big compartment and took a seat next to Victoire who was reading inferno by some famous muggle author.

"Why do you like muggle books so much?" I asked her

"They're so interesting, you should try reading them some day." She said shrugging

"Where's Dominique?" I asked

"Somewhere, that little rat is always running around in the train even tho I tell her not to." She said, "one of these days I'll tell dad how much trouble she causes."

"I personally like it when my siblings cause trouble." I said gesturing at everyone who were all busy talking in the compartment

"Oh how proud you must be Lupin." She rolled her eyes while gently pushing me away

"I am Weasley, I am." I said laughing, "even of you."

"We're not family!" She said squeaking.

"Distantly." I pointed out

"No, you're tonks and Lupin, I'm Weasley and delacour, not related at all." She shook her head and closed her book

"Yeah okAy." I smiled, she didn't want us to be family, which was good, as long as we're not related I have a shot.

"Okay." She smiles her eyes lit up and she looked right into mine for one second and then turned to everyone else.


I snuck behind the carriages with Lysander and Dominique and Scorpio by my side, Molly went to school with James, albus and Roxanne,and rose, Frank was sneaking behind the first's years' lane with Lucy, Fred and Victoire.

"I'll stand behind the dumpster you all take your positions, be safe and sneaky." I said

"Be safe and sneaky." The three repeated

I went behind the three broomsticks and hid behind the dumpsters, Frank was across the street from with Fred they each gave me a thumbs up Lucy was looking out for them from the other side of the street she gave us a thumbs up to tell us we were clear.

I waited for the sign for three minutes, precisely at 6:00 pm Frank sent up our shot of blue to show we were ready, Victoire was alone in her position and her sign of clear sent up as silver sparks, albus sent up the green spark, and then Roxanne sent the orange to tell us the show began.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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