Lost in sorrow Part 1

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Stephano looked behind him and saw Pewdie's eyes. They were open. Stephano gasped, dropping his sword and running to Pewdie, the man he promised to protect. "Pewdie, Pewdie are you ok?" Stephano rushed, his heart pumping fast. Mr. Chair Looked around not knowing wether Stephano were happy, or completely insane from his worried emotions."S-stephano, maybe y-you should let Pewdie rest." Mr. Chair let out, with his child like voice. Stephano got up, but slowly. Stephano let his hand drop Pewdie's, but as hard as he tried not too, Pewdie's hand  fell. He clutched his sword tight in his hand, as Mr. Chair backed into Piggeh. "Finally intrested?" Piggeh asked being...well Piggeh. Mr. Chair hid behind Piggeh as Stephano turned, pure hatred in his golden gaze. He just sighed, but his gaze screamed in outrage, even when his eyes were closed. He cussed in french and walked out of the room, making a coming motion with his hand, telling them to follow. "Alright, i'm pumped!" Piggeh called, racing after Stephano. Mr. Chair followed, frightend. Piggeh looked like the animal he was and jumped onto Stephano's shoulders, "I'm pumped! I'm pumped! I'm so freaking pumped!" Piggeh went on and on about how pumped he was. If he says in one more time.... "I'm pumped!" Piggeh finally said it. Stephano turned around, fake smile on his face. "Va te faire fourtre de cochon!!" Stephano yelled "Pourtequoi etes vous putain ici de toute facon!?" Stephano yelled at the pig agian, Piggeh looked completely unafected. "Suele raison pour laquelle vous mere baise ici est parce que vous etes un enorme pervreti morceau de merde!" Stephano screamed, finally out of breath from his rage at the creep. "Aw...I love you too buddy!" Piggeh was so happy, he hugged Stephano in the state he was in. Stephano looked at Mr. Chair, His emotions were unreadable. "Hey, Mr. Chair," Stephano gave off a fake little chuckle. Mr. Chair flinched. "What do you think of pork?" Stephano asked, with a hint a crazy in his voice. He picked up his sword and rasied it above his head, ready to strike. Stephano was going to strike the pig until he got struck and knocked uncontous.

NOTE:LOL sorry it took so long my laptop was being a barrel and kept shutting down. 

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