Chapter 13: Another Reunion

Start from the beginning

I should tell him the truth about "Stu".

"This is crazy Ade," Jake is whispering as he follows behind me.

We arrive near the trains and find many dead patriots scattered all over the place. Well at least I know Miles is still alive by some miracle. I count eight men.

"I just need to know that Miles is okay."

"Well by the looks of it you don't need to worry; your brother is a killing machine," Jake catches up and easily matches my strides.

"Yeah I know," I reply regretfully.

"We're lucky they didn't catch us leaving. Do you think we'll get as lucky returning?" Jake asks; the annoyance lacing his voice.

"You've got me you don't need luck," I chuckle and gently nudge him as we walk.

"I always knew you were a badass, but . . ."

"But?" I ask.

"You still constantly surprise me."

"In a good way I hope."

"You have no idea how hot you look right now holding that gun."

I chuckle, but don't stop walking or paying attention to the noises around me. There could be more patriots' lurking.

"You don't look to bad yourself."

"Seriously? Could you two be any louder?" I hear Rachel's voice, before I see her and Erin and a young lady with them emerge from the shadows.

The young woman looks like Rachel; they share the same blonde hair except the other girls is straight. Oh my god . . . Charlie?

"No way," I can't help but mutter.

Charlie takes a few steps forward, "Aunt Ade?" Charlie somehow manages to recognise me even though it's been over fifteen years since the last time we saw each other.

"Holly crap you're a woman now."

"And you've barely changed," Charlie replies as I wrap my arms around her.

"I can't believe it. You're a knock out Charlie," I let her go before I act on my impulse to squeeze the life out of here. I had no idea if I was going to see Charlie again and yet she is standing right in front of me.

"You look pretty good yourself," Charlie smiles.

"Oh Charlie this is Jake," I introduce them and they shake hands.

"We should get back," Erin urges us.

"Of course; how'd it go? Is Miles alright?" I ask as we start walking back the way we came, "Where is Miles?"

"He had to stay behind and clean up Monroe's mess," Rachel replies through gritted teeth.

Okay I must be hearing things.

"I'm sorry did you just say Monroe?" I ask confused and I can practically hear Jake grinding his teeth as his nostrils flare.

"I found him, he saved my life and he wants to help take down the Patriots," Charlie answers.

"He shot Fry," Rachel practically hisses as I feel my head start to spin. It's like there's too much coming at me all at once and I can't sort through it quick enough.

"We had proof but the guy had a cyanide tooth; he killed himself," Charlie adds.

"Monroe wants to frame the Patriarchs for the murder of Fry, and Miles is helping him," Rachel continues. The amount of venom used as Monroe's name passes her lips is staggering but I'm feeling the same way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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