Chapter 7: From Bad to Worse

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The Revolution


The Revolution

Chapter 7: From Bad to Worse

Another week passes . . . Another week with Monroe . . . Another week without Miles and my family. What the hell is wrong with me? I know Bass can't be helped; I don't have the time. Bass used to say that my ability to see the good in people was a gift, but I know now Miles was right; it's a curse at least in the world we live in now.

"I'm leaving for Colorado," Bass speaks snapping me out of my thoughts; his blonde curls are sitting tightly on his head, and he is already dressed in his navy blue uniform. We're sitting at the table eating breakfast and I've been picking at my eggs for the past twenty minutes, trying to fight back the thoughts which are trying to swallow me whole.

I keep getting sucked in to stay even though I know better.

"What's in Colorado?" I ask.

"Nothing you need to worry about," Bass replies before finishing off the last bite of his piece of toast.


"Is Miles in Colorado?"

"Answers are in Colorado."

"Answers? Do you really hate my brother that much for leaving you?" I ask.

"Miles tried to kill me!" Bass's expression turns extremely sour.

Miles tried to kill him?


"Not long after he left."

"How long had I been gone before Miles left the Militia?"

"Maybe a few months."

"What do you mean he tried to kill you?" Miles wouldn't have failed; if he wanted Bass dead, Bass would be dead.

"He couldn't pull the trigger," Bass scoffs.

"Bass I--"

"There's something I need to tell you," Bass starts and I feel the dread wash over me. I have a very bad feeling I'm not going to like this.

"Go on."

"My men shot Ben and Danny."

I'm sorry what?!

"What are you talking about? They're alive with the rebels. You said--"

"I said your family was alive and I was talking about Rachel, Charlie and Miles."

I shake my head, "You're lying!"

Bass reaches across the table and grabs my hand but I yank it free from his grip. Why is he trying to hurt me?


"I didn't mean for it to happen Ade. I'm sorry, I--" Bass is fighting back the tears as I feel my heart break and shatter.

"You're sorry!? All this time you knew. You knew and you . . . You . . ." I rush to my feet as I try and fight against the panic.

My chest is tight and my breathing heavy.

I can't breathe.

"Ade I'm sorry. I swear I didn't mean for any of this to happen," his voice sounds distant although I feel the pressure and fingers digging into my shoulders.

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