Chapter 9: Five Months Later

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The Revolution


The Revolution

Chapter 9: Five Months Later

After a long journey we finally arrive in Willoughby Texas; the place Miles had me shipped off to and my former home before I left for The Monroe Republic to find Ben, and the rest of my family.

Their faces still flash before my eyes when I think of them, but it's not all rage and sadness that sweeps through my body in response. Memories accompany their faces; reminding me of happy times.

I've been through most of the five stages of grief although I'm stuck back on anger. I still can't believe Bass lied to me. I was so busy being concerned about him; trying to save him from himself. Completely unaware he'd murdered my family.

When it comes to the patriot asshole well it's complicated. I won't let him ruin my life. I won't hate myself because of him. I refuse to give him any satisfaction. It's taken a while to open up to Jake; emotionally and physically. I'm going to wear these scars for the rest of my life, but I'm not giving up the fight. I have bad days, but doesn't everyone? It helps I'm good at distancing my emotions from memories, but even that took time.

"Halt!" The Sherriff orders as he stands in front of the huge gate which keeps the unwanted out of the town. The walls are also built high enough to keep rebels from raiding the town. They've kept us safe. The Sherriff hasn't changed a bit; his dark hair is still short and his brown complexion is kind of flawless; well for a guy.

"Hey Sherriff long time no see," I greet him and his formal stance relaxes as a small smile surfaces on his face.

"It's good to see you again Adrianna," he sweeps me up in a hug and Jake clears his throat awkwardly.

"And this is Jake," I pull away, "Jake this is Sherriff Grey," I finish with the introductions.

"You can call me Mason," they shake hands.

"It's nice to meet you," Jake replies.

Sadly my Appaloosa horse I nicknamed Vanity passed a few months ago; broke his leg and no one could do anything to help him. He liked to stare at his reflection a lot hence the nickname.

Prancer is my new horse; an American Paint breed. I don't know much about horses but I know a few breeds, but that's where my horse knowledge ends. Jake also has an American Paint breed he named Bitchy; she can be a bitch at times.

"Open em up," Grey instructs and the metal gates groan as they open and Jake and I lead our horses in behind Grey, before the gate is closed behind us.

The place hasn't changed; it still looks like something out of an old Western movie with cowboys and standoffs, and you can't forget the tumbleweeds and bar wenches. Of course we're a little more updated well they were before the blackout.

"You're going to want to see Gene."

"He's not sick is he?" I ask.

"No," Grey replies before he veers left into the Sherriff's station.

"Gene's the doctor right?" Jake asks as the horses clop behind us.

"Yep he lives out of the way slightly. We can tie Bitchy and Prancer in the stables; there should still be plenty of hay for them to munch on."

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