Stumbled upon a band competition

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-Nick pov-

We got back from shopping all getting equal amounts of clothing 7 shirts, 7 pants, and under garments we went to our room to put everything away and I stopped looking around

"Something feels a bit different, like I'm being watched" I said when Kyle came up and knocked on my head

"Are you sure it's not your brain being weird" he said

"No I just took my smoothers 3 hours ago, I wasn't so far gone that I needed a double dose" I said smacking his hand away

"Ok, ok, jeez, I was just messing with you, no need to go smacking my hand" he said jokingly

"Back off you too, I've got that sense of being watched too" Jenna said folding her clothes and putting them away as I continued to do the same

"I'm boreddddd" Kyle said "I wanna go for a run"

"Wait until were done, we need to map out a route that's up to standards for us" I said and Jenna finished, pulling out a tablet she typed something in

"I say we run to the school and back, just to see what the school is like" she suggested

"How far is it from here?" I ask finishing putting away my last bit of clothing

"15 miles, we can go there and back and get our daily 30 mile run out of the way plus us walking around it for a bit to see the lay out, it's a Sunday so from what I learned about civilians is they normally get weekends off so I'm sure we won't cause suspicion" she said getting up and walking to her drawer pulling out PT clothes we averted our eyes, not like she'd care if we didn't, it was just a respect thing we did.

"Ok you can look back now" she said and I grabbed my clothing

"We can go for that run, sounds fun" I said and released my undersuits pressure to make it easier to slip off

I pulled the undersuit off undoing tubes connected to me and I slipped into my undergarments and then my PT clothes. Kyle did the same

"Are we ready to go?" I asked and everyone nodded so we walked downstairs

"We're going for a run Lexi, we'll be back" I called

"Ok" she said from the kitchen
"Be back before dinner, it'll be done at 6:00"

"We will" Jenna said and we filed out the door pulling up a map we started our run, dodging pedestrians was the hardest part of it, eventually we made it to the school,

We jogged onto the campus and saw a bunch of cars

"What's going on here" Jenna asked and suddenly we heard the beating of drums

"I have no clue, but I kinda wanna check it out" Kyle said and I nodded, telling the truth, I kinda wanted to check it out too

"Then let's go" he said picking up speed and slowing down seeing a lot of people around and instruments

"Don't touch anything Kyle" I said catching up to him and slowed to a walk

"I wasn't planning on it, I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid" the red haired spartan said and laughed some, we walked to the gate and peered through a bit to see a band playing

"Hm, I've never seen something like this" Jenna said and walked off,

"But we need to finish our run" she said

"Agreed" I said and followed

"Aww i wanted to see what happened next" Kyle protested but followed anyway

"Hold up" a man said behind us and we stopped turning around to see a police officer

"Where are you going in such a rush" he asked suspiciously

"Sir, were finishing our run, we are new to this school and figured we should come take a look around, Jenna figured it should be ok since it's a Sunday. We didn't expect to stumble upon....this...thing" I said not knowing what to call it

"Ok, just wanted to make sure you weren't a threat, our school is known for those, Ill let you off with a warning, be safe while finishing your run" he said

"Thank you, but we can handle ourselves, we don't need luck" I said turned around and started to jog

"That's what all teenagers say" I hear the police officer say 'you have no idea' I think and continued our run

We made it home and dinner just finished, we had to sprint the last portion of it, we started to wonder and looked at the time to realize we had 5 minutes to get home. We booked it to get there, so we were a bit sweaty.

"Lexi were home" I said and Abbey and Ellie ran to us giving us a hug, I tensed up at the touch and almost pushed her away but I restrained myself from doing so

"You we're gone FOREVER I was worried about you" Ellie said and Abbey nodded agreeing

"We had to run, it's what makes us strong, we'll always come home" Jenna said smiling stroking Ellie's hair
The little girl giggled and ran to the dining room climbing up into her chair and sat down and Lexi placed food down for her and Abbey, Abbey sat down swinging her legs happily as she took a bite of food and we got into a line to get our food. 

When we got our plates filled we sat down and took a bite of food

"Holy moly! This food is amazing!" Kyle said censoring himself as he started taking big bites, I just laughed and ate like a normal person

"Thank you for dinner Lexi, it tastes really good" I said as I finished and cleaned my plate and put it away

"It's no problem" she said as the rest of Team Legend followed suit,

"May we be excused?" I asked and Andrew nodded so we went upstairs and to bed

"Man, it's been a long day" Kyle said as I happen to look over at Jenna and laughed some to see she was already asleep,

Tomorrow, our Highschool career begins for us.

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