14 | Friend & Foe

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Lately, the school has been hammering down on us and made stricter rules about not leaving campus during the day and forbidding access to campus after certain hours.

A lot of the students talked about it and has become the topic starter of many conversations. Obviously they've heightened security because of the incident that happened the other day.

A group students were beaten up and left in an alley way. They wore our school uniforms and the suspect is still at large. But from what Okita has said, they were gang members looking for a fight anyways.

The last time I visited Gin-Chan, he also warned me about coming over to his place. I think he used this as an excuse so I spared him this time around.

"Kagura, how about I walk you home from now on? I love a couple of streets down so it will be on my way." Shin-Chan offered, "with the clubs hours suspended for the time being, I have time."

"Really?" I excitedly got happy all of a sudden and nodded my head, "yeah!"

"Great." He smiled. "Okita-San, you live quite close too. Why not join us?" Shin-Chan offered.

"Heh?" I reacted and stared at Okita who was reading a comic book behind us. "He's not that kind of person to-."

"Sure." He replied.

"What?! You don't need to." I waved my hand and glared at Shin-Chan.

I already see him at school as much as I do and after school too? Wait, that reminds me!

"I'm still on cleaning duty..." I slouched and felt like sticking up my middle finger at Okita who has yet to show up to any of them.

"Then I'll help out so we can leave together." Shin-Chan spoke.

A lifesaver! How does a person like him even exist?! I glanced slightly behind me and clicked my tongue. And then there's a person like him around.
"Tch. You're really something else aren't you?!" I threw a chalkboard eraser at Okita who showed up ten minutes after Shin-Chan and I started cleaning.

"You want my help or not?" He took a threatening stance like he was about to throw it back.

"Hey, more the merrier." Shin-Chan stood in between us, "thanks Okita-San." He tried to de-escalate the situation and comfort me.

"At least he appreciates it." Okita rolled his eyes.

"You're dead!" I shouted back.


Shin-Chan and I flinched from the sudden noise. We turned and saw Gin-Chan by the slightly open door and he hissed at us with irritation.

"Gosh you're so loud. Hurry up and get it done." He sighed and walked away.

"Ugh." I wanted to rip out my hair but took out my anger by scrubbing the desks as harshly as I could. If anything, I think I was able to peel off three layers of the wood.

Time went by but not too long. With all three of us, we managed to clean the entire classroom in forty-five minutes rather than two hours when I do it alone.

"Argh." I threw the dirty rag into the bucket of water and leaned on the front table. "Freedom at last!" I groaned and Shin-Chan started chuckling.

Okita set the broom stick in one hand and grabbed the bucket of water, heading towards the door.

"Well? Are we leaving or not?" He said without turning back.

"You must be exhausted. We'll take care of the rest. Meet us at the front lobby." Shin-Chan grabbed the other rags and the trash bag out with him to follow Okita.
Walking home, I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. I don't know why I was acting like a child but I felt really good.

"You know, I like the company." I said aloud with a slight fading smile, "I never really had friends growing up." I confessed and the two of them glanced over. "Just you Shin-Chan." I patted his shoulder and looked to my left at Okita.

"You're still a waste of space." I growled at him.

"Takes one to know one." He commented back.

"Kagura-Chan, you're so weird." He pointed out, "getting caught up in things like that. But I guess we all take things for granted. I'm just glad that you're happy."

"You're so kind Shin-Chan." I nodded my head. "Unlike some people."

Okita made a face back and I did so too.

"You're like a bickering couple." Shin-Chan chuckled to himself and I immediately grabbed his arm and he looked at me with a startled expression.

"Take that back." My stone face began to whither away in disgust. I trusted you Shin-Chan, I really did.

Okita gagged and I shoved him away.

"You have something to say?" I tried to size him up but he just looked at me like I was some kind of joke.

"Gross." He smirked and walked ahead of the both of us.

Within a given time, we made it to my apartment building. The two of them examined it like they were real-estate agents contemplating on whether it would go on the market.

"It's nothing fancy." I sighed, "thanks for walking me home." I said to Shin-Chan.

"Hm?" Okita made a sound and I turned towards him, "what floor?" He wondered.

"Why do you care?" I crossed my arms, "I live on the second." As I turned and looked up, I noticed that my lights were on in one of the windows.

"Talk about electricity bills." He shook his head in disappointment. "But I guess those bills are going straight to your dad right? How nice."

"Keep that mouth shut." I nudged his arm.
I still haven't told Shin-Chan about my background and I didn't want it to be revealed like this!

"Unless..." Shin-Chan had a worrisome expression on his face when he lightly touched my arm.

"Ah, don't worry. I probably forgot to turn off my room light." I assured. But even I was confused on whether I actually used it or not. If anything, by the time I wake up, it's bright enough in the apartment without any light.

"You guys should head off home too. I'll be going then." I waved and when I was about to turn, someone grabbed my arm.


I clocked my head and saw his unreadable expression as he pulled me closer.

"What?" I said.

"My contact, add me." Okita spoke.

I glanced at Shin-Chan and he shrugged.

"Look, if something happens I'll call Shin-Chan. Plus, you should know that I'm a capable person." I stared at him but he didn't seem convinced.

"Just add me will you?" Okita sighed and stuck his hand out with his palm facing up, "come on."

I reached into my pocket and set my phone in his hand. When he was done adding himself, he gave my phone back and lightly shoved me towards the apartments.

"Ah...if something does happen, text okay?" Shin-Chan awkwardly brought up.

"Yeah..." I replied.

Essentially, those two left together and they disappeared down the street when I could no longer see them. Facing the staircase, I hesitatingly made my way up.

For a fact, I did not turn on any lights before I left today for school.

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