Chapter 2

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Crystal's POV

I pulled up to the Virginia Federal Government building. I cut my Jeep off and walked inside. I walked up to the elevator and waited for it to open. Once it opened, I got in, and pushed the 8th floor. When the door opened, I walked out and went straight to my office (I have my own office). I sat all my things on my desk and headed for the lounge.

Once I walked in, Garcia and Morgan were sitting at a table. "You heard about that killing" Morgan said as I made me some coffee. "Yep. That's the reason I'm here" I sighed. For about 10 minutes, we just talked about random things when JJ poked her head in the door. "We are ready in the conference room" she said and left. We all got up and started walking there. "Here we go again" Garcia said with a slight chuckle at the end. "We signed up for it. We should be used to this by now" I shrugged.

We all entered the conference room and took at seat. J stood with a remote in her hand and described the case to us. "Laura Marano. Teen celebrity. She was murdered in her own house yesterday. She was strangled to death" "It looks like there was no sexual assault or anything! No weapons around or no clues" David Rossi said. "Look we will talk about it more on the plane, ok? Wheels up in 15 minutes" he said. We all scattered to go get our things.

Ross's POV

I was standing outside of my parents house. I slowly started to walk up the driveway. I knocked on the door and Ryland answered. "Hey! Have you he-" I cut him off by shoving him back against a wall. "Where's mom and dad" I growled. "Gone. And the rest are out with friends except for Delly" he said back nervously. "GET OUT OF HERE!" I yelled and he hurried out of the house, picking up things on the way. I walked up to Rydel's room and kicked down the door. "Time to die" I said and stabbed her. "ROSSS AHHHH" she screamed, looking at the blood pouring out of her chest. She slowly fell to the ground. I jumped out her window, and made my way on the sidewalk, acting like a normal 18 year old boy!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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