Chapter 1 part 3

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A look for what was lost

After gathering themselves, Roulx, Ralsei, and Lancer went back to their normal lives. Or at least, they tried. Roulx got more quiet and reclusive as the soul of Kris spoke to him. They said many things that Roulx would never dare share. The more Kris spoke, the more Roulx seemed to find a hatred for Ralsei. He couldn't tell way. Was it the poor human soul cluttering his mind or was it the feeling that Ralsei was someone familiar. Someone that had left him behind. No, left Kris behind. Their family. Their mom and dad. A whole town called hometown was all left behind. But for what? That, was something Kris couldn't answer. Roulx and Kris seem to merge more by the day. Soon, Roulx and Ralsei began to fight and bicker. They always tried to keep Lancer out of it but every once in a while, Lancer would walk in upon them, requesting some cookies for Susie or a bedtime story. The poor spade never knew what was happening but Susie sure did. Memories. Oh the memories. Pushed far back into her mind like crumpled papers. She had always wanted to forget those days. Yes, Roulx and Ralsei did remind her of those times but looking after Lancer helped her forget again.
One day, the fighting got to be too much so Susie preposed an idea. "Lets go explore." she said. "Out of the castle and through the big door." She guided Lancer. "There's a whole other world to see. Don't you want to enjoy it? Or are you scared." The thought of leaving their now cramped little corner of the dark world was exciting to Susie. Lancer was hesitant. He only had vague memories of the rest of the dark world. All the other memories had been pushed back with Susie's. Was the world the same? He wunderd. Were the memories he had real? He questioned. These were all the thoughts going through his head before he pushed open the door. Or at least tried too. Susie had to wedge her axe through the crack to help him as it was the only thing that could touch physical objects. The loud echo of the great door opening filled the little kingdom. Ralsei and Roulx, who were both in the middle of a fight, stopped what they were doing. There was a moment of silence before they both rushed to the door. Lancer looked around in awe. The trees had grown large and foliage was everywhere. The world may only have tints of blue to him but it was beautiful. Lancer ran up to a large flower. "What color is this one?!" he asked excitedly. Susie took a good look at the flower. "Red, like determination and blood." She said as she tried to touch the flower but she just went through it. "Blood is messy." Lancer said, sticking out his tongue. "And it smells like that one room fluffy dad locked." He said, going to another flower. It looked kind of like a bell.
"Whoa, This one is pretty big!" Lancer exclaimed, laughing. Then there was a shout from behind. "Lancer!" Roulx ran up to Lancer and picked him up in a hug. "Lancer, dear, thoust cannot run off like that! I almost had a heart attack!" Roulx hugged Lancer tighter. "Dad, you're suffocating me." Lancer said, squirming. Ralsei came out from the door, C.Round following. "Oh, You found him. Is everything ok?" He asked, fairly calm. Roulx shot Ralsei a glare. "Yes everything is fine. Now, lets us go back inside before-" Just then, the door slammed shut. They all looked over. Ralsei ran up to the door. "No, no no no!" He began to pat himself down, looking for something. "Oh dear..." Ralsei looked a bit panicked. "Oh dear? What do you mean ''''Oh dear?" Roulx didn't seem happy. "I uh...Seemed to have left the key inside..." Ralsei said, turning around and dipping his hat a bit. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LEFT IT INSIDE?!" Roulx shouted angrily. Lancer, not liking this, put both of his hands on Roulx's mouth. "Don't worry. I gave a spare to Seam just in case something like this happened." Ralsei began to walk towards the feild of hopes and dreams. "Ok then. You go get the key from Seam and we'll stay here." Roulx said, going to sit by a tree. Ralsie turned around and walked back. "You can't stay here. You have to come with me." He said in a stern tone, crossing his arms. "I can't! I'm a wanted man! Practically exiled! For you know..." Roulx clears his throat. "Treason." He tried to avoid the topic of the Spade King's murder. Ralsei leaned down a bit. "Come on. You've been out here longer than I have. What if I get lost or captured? Then you'll just be stuck here. I need your help." Ralsei tried to reason with them. "Well, uh...Lancer doesn't want to go. Right Lancer?" Roulx asked expectantly. "Me and Susie wanna explore!" Lancer exclaimed excitedly. Roulx gave a grone of defeat. "Fine, I'll go get the key with you. Only because Lancer wants to go too."

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