(Diary p1) Sam x Reader

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Warnings: Sir kink, kind of Dom Sam, Sub reader, Degrading, Dry humping

You were never really a diary person, you didn't like writing about your feelings, it felt cheesy. But ever since you started living with the Winchester's you couldn't really talk to them about certain things. Girl talk basically, like your period, boys, or the huge crush you had on the younger Winchester..

You knew you shouldn't, he probably sees you as a little sister and you didn't want to make things awkward between you two so you never said anything about your feelings, not to him at least. Your diary knew everything about it, about him. Most of the time your thoughts were innocent but after a hunt or two where Sam looked particularly hot, you couldn't help yourself from getting a little naughty.

Dear diary,
I don't really need to tell you who i'm going to write about, after all, the last four pages have been about him and the enormous crush I have on said person. The crush that seems like it'll never go away. I'm trying to get over him, I really am but living with him and seeing him basically every minute of my day doesn't make it any easier.
And sometimes, he gets a little distracting during hunts, just like this last one. It was a simple vamp nest, easy right? It was, we finished off the nest pretty quickly. But I couldn't help myself from looking at Sams strong arms as they held the large machete in his hands and sliced off the vamps head. It's messed up, I know! But sometimes, seeing him like that makes me wonder, what else can he do with those hands?

You drop your pen and close your journal. You didn't want to write anymore. You knew if you did, you wouldn't be able to stop and you just don't want to know what your sinful thoughts will make you write. You squeeze your legs, trying to relieve some of the aching down there.

You haven't even thought of him that much and you were already getting wet. Just the thought of his large and rough hands, touching, feeling you. It makes your insides curl with desire. You try to distract yourself and you leave your room. You walk off into the library of the bunker, smiling as you find Sam there.

"Hey!" You say softly as you sit down across from him. His eyes were focused on the laptop, he was probably researching for a case he just found. But as soon as he heard your voice, a look of happiness crossed his face as he looks up and welcomes you. "Hey." He says happily, returning the smile you were giving. "What are you up to?" You ask curiously, wanting something to entertain you.

He turns his laptop to you and points to the screen. "Found us a new case." He says and you hide a smile, loving how you already knew he was going to say that. "3 victims with their hearts missing from their bodies." He tells you and you nod. "Werewolf." You quickly put together, which he agrees with.

"It's about 20 miles out of town." He informs you. "I'll tell Dean." You say and he nods. You begin to scoot out of your chair and walk over to Deans room but just before you leave the library Sam calls your name again. "Yeah?" You ask as you turn around to face him. "Remember that lore book I let you borrow? I- I kind of need it back. Rowena needs my help with this witch house thing and I-"

You cut off his rambling, a fond smile on your face. "You can have it, you'll find it in my room in one of my drawers." You tell him and he gives you a small shy smile. "Thanks." He says softly and stands up. "No problem." You tell him and make your way to Deans room again.

As you tell Dean about the hunt, Sam goes to your room. As he opens the door and steps inside, he smiles to himself. The room smells like you, lavender and flowers. You decorated it with posters of all the bands you love, remembering the times you went to their concerts before you got into the dangerous hunting life.

Sam sits down on your bed and opens one of your drawers, not finding any book in it. He opens another, none. After opening a few more, he finds it under a stack of books in a specifically big drawer. Once he has his lore book he finally has the time to notice the little journal on the bed.

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