→ four | procedure

Start from the beginning

"Of, course we were. Don't take it too personal, babe." She fake-pouted, adding in a pause.

She looked him in the eyes and smirked at the look in them. It was safe to say the son of Captain Hook was one of the biggest flirts she'd ever met, only he didn't know that Hayden was one of the biggest flirts herself on Mount Olympus - well, tied with her cousin Zach of, course. There was absolutely no way the son of can't-keep-it-in-his-pants Zeus wouldn't be a player.

Harry looked her in the eye and smirked, his infamous giggle following after and Hayden closed her eyes and turned to look away from him, a slightly pained look on her face. "Don't do that, it's unsettling." She scolded him.

"Why, ye don't like my laugh? That hurts, darling." He taunted her, another fake disappointed look shot towards her direction.

Hayden rolled her eyes at him. "Yeah, well, cry me a river." She mumbled under her breath before taking a deep breath and shifting her stance. "Well? Are you, from Scotland?"

Harry genuinely looked confused for the first time he'd been here and looked her in the eyes. "What's a Scotland?"

"Where you're from, dumbass." She responded, shaking her head at him. She thought he was just playing a game on her at first, but the confused look stayed on his face and her irritated expression changed to one of concern. "Wait, you really don't know of Scotland?"

Harry shook his head no, looking from the ground to the girl in front of him. He even looked at Gil, hoping that he'd know what a Scotland is but of course he didn't. "It's a country," Hayden clarified. "In Europe, you know, one of the other continents?"

"Ye know, love, you gotta stop using names I don't know. What the hell is a Europe?"

"You really don't know," she mumbled under her breath, though it was more to herself than to Harry and it was more of a statement than a question. "how long have you been on this isle?"

Harry and Gil looked at each other and were about to answer until the presence of someone else in the room caught their attention. They looked at Hades and nodded towards him, alerting Hayden.

"Get up, we're gonna check on your eyes." Hades announced abruptly and Hayden's eyes widened as she quickly got up from the ground, turning her back towards Harry and Gil to face her father.

"What? Dad!" She exclaimed, pointing towards the two pirates on the ground. She grabbed the ember he was holding from his hand and shook her head. "We're not doing that now, we've got company."

"Then you should've brought them back when I told you to." He answered and reached out for his ember, holding his hand out and waiting for Hayden to put it back. "My ember."

"I was going to bring them back," his daughter countered, crossing her arms over her chest while glancing between her hostages and her father. "the thing is that I just really didn't feel like doing it."

Hades gave her a fake smile and laughed at her. "Nice try, the ember." He motioned for her to put it in his hand and with great reluctance she threw it in his palm, an angry look on her face. "Oh boohoo, close your eyes."

Hayden sighed while looking at Harry and Gil, who both wore faces of confusion. "Fine," she mumbled and closed her eyes.

Her father brought the ember closer to her eyes, the ember got a faint glow (it was the only 'magic' it could do on the isle) and forced Hayden to open her eyes. A dark blue, slightly purple glow decorated her eyes and she quickly broke free of the ember's spell. "I hate that." She mumbled under her breath, rubbing her eyes.

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