Before I could say anything, Emma turned her attention to Hugo and Louis. She shook her finger at them and snapped, "And what are you doing with them?" Hugo stepped forward with his hands raised, trying to calm Emma down, and said, "We forgave them already Emma. Please, just listen to them. You don't have to be so angry."

When Emma heard this, just for a split second, hurt and betrayal flashed across her face. My heart reached out to her, but before I could say anything, the angry scowl Emma had been wearing earlier had come back. She took a few steps forward and said harshly, "How could you?! I thought that we would always have each other's backs. Then now you come and do this to me?! How could you?!" 

I stepped out from behind Hugo and Louis, placing a protective hand in front of them. I said as calmly as I could, "Emma, just because Hugo and Louis decided to forgive us doesn't mean they betrayed you. Just-" "No." Emma interrupted while shaking her head. "It does mean that. This is unbelievable. IS NO ONE IN MY FAMILY ON MY SIDE?!" Adrien walked over to Emma but she took a few steps back. Adrien sighed and said, "Come on Emma. Stop this now. Hugo and Louis forgave us. I'm sure you could too as long as you listen to what we have to say."

Emma shook her head furiously, many emotions swirling in her eyes. Fear, hate, betrayal, hurt, sadness, anger. I felt my heart clench in seeing my only daughter in so much pain. Pain that I had partly caused. Emma stared at all of us one last time and said, "I'm done with listening." After that, she rushed out of the room.

I reached my hand out and exclaimed, "Emma wait!" I was about to chase after her when Adrien grabbed onto my arm and forced me to stop and turn to face him. His face was filled with sadness. He wasn't doing any better than me. He sighed and said, "We'll have to get through to Emma another time. Right now she's much too angry. She'll forgive us eventually." I nodded and hugged him, Hugo and Louis.

Hopefully it's not too late.

Emma's POV

I could hear Mom calling out to me, wanting me to wait, but I didn't look back. I ran inside my room and slammed the door shut behind me, locking it in place. I slid down the door breathing heavily. How could Hugo and Louis do that to me?! I thought they had my back. Guess I was wrong.

Tears dripped down my face. The entire situation was taking its emotional toll on me. I quickly wiped away the tears. I would not be prey for Hawkmoth's akumas. That would just prove Mom and Dad right. That I am too young to understand. I walked over to my desk and quickly did my homework. The last thing I needed was for Ms Bustier to call me out for not doing my homework. That would provide Carmen with another reason to pick on me.

When I was finally done, I put my stuff back in my backpack and let out a heavy sigh. Then, I noticed the plan that I had put together last night. Everything that I needed and had to do was all planned out. I ran to my closet and flung it open, then grabbed the biggest suitcase I could find in there and threw in some clothes. 

I had to put my plan into action as soon as possible.

I had to run away.

Gabriel's POV

I arrived back home after finishing some paperwork back at the office, only to find Natalie waiting for me. When she saw me, she stood up and said, "Mr Agreste, you're back." I nodded quickly and went over to a painting of Emilie.

The love of my life.

I quickly pushed a few buttons on the painting, and a platform brought Natalie and me down to the basement that I had specially built for my evil purposes. I walked into the room with Natalie, and all the butterflies flew up into the sky. 

I smiled satisfactorily to myself as my kwami, Nooroo, flew up to me. He said, "Master, are you sure you-" "Silence Nooroo." I interrupted while glaring at my kwami. He floated back down while saying, "Yes Master." I turned to face my window that allowed me to look out at Paris and find my next victim.

"I can feel Emma's negative energy growing stronger. Although it is not strong enough for me to akumatize her, I am certain that that time will come soon, and when it does, I'll use her to destroy Ladybug and Chat Noir, and take their miraculous once and for all! She will be my strongest akuma yet!"


Emma running away? Hawkmoth up to no good again? Definitely a recipe for disaster.

Hey guys, hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 7 of New Revelations. Sorry that this one is a little bit short, but I promise that the next one will be even better! 😀😀😀

The other chapter of this book should be coming out soon, so be on the lookout for them!

Remember to comment, vote and follow me on Wattpad, and I'll see you guys again soon!



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