Episode 1

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8 years later..
Sonic sped through the forest, the autumn leaves blowing through the wind. Twigs snapped under his weight as he ran. Sonic knew he had to hurry. He had to run faster than he had ever ran before. After all, his friends lives depended on it.
"Sonic!" Sonic's voice communicator rang with his best friend's voice. "Tails. Anything new?" Sonic asked, keeping his eyes on the path. "There are two swarms of badnicks coming your way from the east side," Tails said. "The path I set you up with now takes you to the north side of the base, so you might have a dance with them, if you know what I mean."
"Good thing it's tango night," Sonic said with a chuckle. "Where am I entering the base again?"
"Through the air duct on the north side remember? That will take you to the control room."
"And that's when I kick Egghead's fat butt."
"No Sonic. Remember, our main mission is the code. No tangoing with Eggman tonight. Refrain from it at all costs."
"Shoot," Sonic said with a sigh. "I really wanted to .. Wait. Where do I look for the code?"
"Not really. It all sounded like mumbo jumbo."
Tails sighed. "The code is downloaded onto a computically engineered chip found in the back of the computer in Eggman's control center. Unfortunately, the receptor is locked, so I will have to stabilize it and reconstruct the receptor for it to undo the robotisizer."
Sonic stared at the screen, confused. "In less geeky terms, please?"
Tails groaned. "Find chip in the back of the computer + bringing it to me = no more robots."
"Got it. Call you when I am in my way back to your workshop, Tails." Sonic turned off his communicator and continued down the path, getting pumped up for his break-in. 🌟

Author's note- Yay! Episode 1 is complete! Sorry if it was short, but I'm on a time crunch. episode 2 will be here soon! 👍

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