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Galacta Knight was strolling with his boyfriend Meta Knight at the stone roads of a luxurious interurban area, specifically with a lot of glorious, detailed statues, and buildings. Light polls filled the sides of the streets, and there were a lot of street performances going on, you could say some sort of festival was taking place.

It didn't matter to them though, all that mattered was that, they were with each other. Both Gala and Meta were pleased to have the day off from their duties of protecting Dream Land, and the galaxy. They've both been so busy, that, it caused them to be less present with each other. This made Gala incredibly grouchy. Even Star Warriors needed a break.

So, when they had they day off, the two of them decided to take a stroll down the city, and spend the day together. This was actually perfect. And you're probably questioning, why?

Well, because today was the day, Galacta Knight was going to propose to his boyfriend, his soulmate. He'd been in love with him for so long now, when they became a couple he'd never been happier. He always fights, and usually isolates himself, from almost the entire world, except from his close loved ones, like Nova. He couldn't thank him enough for that, he knew from the beginning, he was the one for him, and couldn't bear to trot to another gal, or another hot looking stud.

Gala will admit he's nervous, he'd never proposed to someone before, and was anxious about messing up. He wasn't too agile with words, but he knew enough how to express his feelings about the people he cared for. He knew he could trust Meta. He was calm with mostly anything, the worst thing he could do is say no,


The two warriors stopped across the middle of the street, they knew they were safe, because no cars were allowed to drive at that specific area they were in. Cherry blossom trees were surrounding them, and Gala stopped walking. It was time.

"Gala?" Meta questioned looking at his boyfriend.

"Are you alright?"

Gala let's out a raggedy breath. He controlled his body from shaking. Butterflies flew in his stomach, and turned to look at his concerned partner. He exhales.

"Yeah...I'm alright, Meta," Gala turned towards him so he was in front of him. He grabbed Meta Knight's hands, making the smaller warrior exposed a blush through his silver mask, and looked up at him. Surprised.

Gala gazed at him lovingly through his mask, a slight pink blush on his face. He locked his hands to Meta's.

"Look, we've been together for a very long time now, and...you know I'd do anything for you, support you and....I love you. I deeply love you, and I can't thank you enough for everything you've done....Capo...." Gala announces, and kneels down on one knee. He slips a small, black velvet box from his pants pocket, he flips it open carefully revealing a golden ring.

"Will you marry me?"

Meta stared at him in shock, he drew a hand on his mouth. His eyes widen, and stood there looking at him in silence. His body began to tremble, making Gala gasp lightly in concern.
Meta soon choked a muffled like sob.


He snickered. He started, laughing!?

Meta Knight began to laugh uncontrollably, not to mention quite loud. He pressed his hand harder on his mouth, so that his laughs wouldn't draw attention. His laughing grew so hard, and quickly that he began to loose his balance, and gripped his cape while holding on his now crouched knees.

Galacta Knight was in shock. He dipped his head down, and his entire body became paralyzed each time. His body got in more and more shock, whenever he heard Meta's laugh. His stomach tightened, what the hell did he just do?

Galacta Knight X Meta Knight [MetaGala] ✨💫 PROPOSAL✨💫Where stories live. Discover now