XC Districts, Halloween, and JACOB!!!!

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Ah, shoot, it's Sunday already? Well, I guess I better start writing!

On Monday, we had our district meet. That meet that tells you if you advance to regionals or not. Now, with a PR of 42:12 (got that at our home course), it's highly unlikely that I'll advance to regionals. This district meet is a long course with some MAJOR hills. A lot of it repeats itself too. I mean, at least it's mostly in the shade.

Anyway, I got a 43 something. So I obviously didn't get to go to regionals. But hey, I'm lucky to even be running in this meet. My coach could only put the top ten runners in. So, it's pretty cool that I'm in the top ten on my team! You know-

#10 out of 10.

Ima be sad next year bc all the 8th graders are moving up to the varsity team. And there's A LOT of them.

Speaking of the jv team, they went to states! The girls got 13th out of 26. I think. Somewhere around there. And the boys... Well, I'm not sure if they were supposed to run in the boys race so they could place or just the alternate race (only the top seven could run, so they had an alternate race). But the ms boys team went from 5 to 2. Yeeaaaaah. They did some bad things.

That aside, most of my teammates advanced to regionals! And I'm kinda sad that cross country is over. I mean, it's nice to come home instead of doing practice.

Also, I'm supposed to be running LSD until indoor track starts.

What am I doing?

Neither of those! Lol, XD.

But should I do indoor? Idk if I want to. Ik my mom doesn't want me to because she wants a break for me.

What else have I been up to this week?


So, it was about 50 40 degrees Fahrenheit the day before Halloween. Then mother nature decided: heck! Let's make it 70° tomorrow and have it super rainy and windy and a high chance for tornados! Especially in the evening!

I think mother nature hates Halloween. 

But I also think she hates mornings. Because the morning after that 70° day...

Hey, look! It's 37° now! Enjoy your walk to the bus stop!

Are you... Are you serious right now!?!

Like that wasn't a total temperature difference


I swear to gosh, some days you'd never know it's Fall down here. And if you think the leaves are a telltale sign... I can't guarantee that they'll change color every year... 

On a happier note, let me introduce you guys to my baby (technically second) cousin-- ah, I have to use a fake name-- uhm, Jacob! He's so adorable and is the cutest thing ever! I would totally spam pics of him, but for reasons that should be obvious, I can't. Jacob is a bit over 4 months old. He loves it when someone bounces him and he loves to stand (while someone's holding him). Annd this baby is like 20 pounds!!! Crazy, right? My mom said that when we were that weight, she made us walk everywhere, XD. 

Anyway, we went trick or treating with him at the mall, so that was fun! 

And I've just been having a really lazy 4 day weekend! 

How has your week been? 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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