This Title Wasn't Lying

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I think writing must be one of the hardest things to do on the planet.

Scratch that, balancing school and Cross Country and fandoms and friends and family is hard.

Like, cross country season is almost over and I haven't even updated since school started.

Does anyone even read these, anyways?

Does anyone even read these, anyways?

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A few, I guess.

When I named this book, I guess I  wasn't lying. 10th grade and cross country really do equal DEATH.

If it didn't, I would've updated sooner than now.

And then again, I haven't been writing in my spare time. Or thinking about this account for that matter. I haven't even updated my fanfics on my other account. I think I even uninstalled Wattpad at one point.

It's like I want to forget Wattpad completely.

But there's something that's drawing me back. Back to the place where it all started. Maybe all those unfinished books? XD

I heard that tenth grade or 11th grade would be the hardest year, academically. I'm pretty sure it's tenth grade.

But let's start off about the 2nd week of school, shall we?

I had 2 panic attacks during that week. Let's see, I think it was Monday and Thursday? I know one was because I didn't have a partner to be with in English. Oh yeah, and I cried on Friday. My friend hadn't been showing up to school. But on Friday she walked into my Economics class, which I had my XC coach as my sub that day. I talked to her outside and it turns out she's moving like 12 hours away. That day was super sad. 

And the rest I guess I've just been super busy with school and stuff. 

I'm gonna try to pick up normalcy next Sunday. I've been out of town all day today and I want to get this out there. And sleep. 

Thanks for reading! I'll see you all next Sunday!

Don't forget to vote! (Seriously, it lets me know if people still read these)

Blogs About My Life 3: XC + 10th Grade = DEATHWhere stories live. Discover now