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A magical Apple( That's red) fell from a tree, the tree was magical because the tree dropped all kinds of apples, green, yellow, and red apples. This time the tree dropped two apples at the same time, one green and one red. The green apple was picked up by a thirteen year old boy who was sitting under the tree. He had slick back blond hair. He was wearing a Slytherin Robe. He had silver/gray eyes. When he found the green apple that had fallen right next to him while he was playing with his golden snitch.

"OMG!!!!!!!" The boy yelled.

The boy took out his wand and healed the apple of all it's brown spots. "Are you ok?" The boy Asks the green apple.

The Green apple just stares.

"I'm Draco Malfoy. " the boy introduces himself with confidence.

"I'm going to call you Apple. Yeah, that's a good name. Draco whispered in delight.

2 years later...

The red apple still sits there. With one bruised spot on it's side from it's fall two years ago, when her twin sister was picked up by the boy. The apple hasn't rotted because it's magical and can preserve itself longer than most apples can. All of the sudden the red apple turns into a girl with blonde hair and the end tips of her long her are red. She had blue eyes and a normal body of a teenage girl. She's shorter than normal but not too short. She's wearing a skirt and a blouse that has a red apple on the top right of her shirt and the color of the blouse is black. The skirt is short but not too short. She is also wearing no shoes.

"Apple." she said, referring to her sister.

"You've turned into a human." She says to herself and her twin who is far away.

She is standing in front of a tree when an old man approached her. The man had twinkling blue eyes, a robe, and glasses.

"Um... Hello." she said.

"Greetings, where do you come from young lady?"

"I came from the tree'' She replied.

"Did you now?" The old man asked, with a sense of doubt.

"Yes" she replied, confused.

The old man decides to introduce himself.

" I am Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster Of Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry,... and what should I call you?" Dumbledore asked the girl.

"Um..." The girl said confused, trying to think of an answer.

"How about Fuji Redd?" He asked.

The girl raised one eyebrow in confusion.

"Fuji is a kind of red apple." Dumbledore explains calmly.

She nodded and agreed with the name. Dumbledore continues to ask her a couple more questions, and she answers them.

"Ok Miss Redd we should find you a home." Dumbledore said.

Dumbledore thought for awhile.

"I believe you can stay with the Parkinson family" Dumbledore sighs.

Dumbledore sent a letter through an owl to ask the Parkinsons to come to Hogwarts.

Fuji met with Mr and Mrs. Parkinson's and their daughter, Pansy Parkinson.

"Hello.." Fuji says shyly to the Parkinson's .

Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson looked disappointed while Pansy smirked.

"What did I do wrong?" asked Fuji, worried.

"We shall teach the girl proper manners." says Mrs. Parkinson scoffed.

"Yes, that we should." Mr. Parkinson agreed.

Eventually Pansy grew to like Fuji and they became close friends, like sisters. The Parkinson's didn't let her go to Hogwarts with Pansy until pansy's sixth year when they decided she was ready. Until then they home schooled her and she enjoyed learning.

Fuji Vs. AppleWhere stories live. Discover now