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Izuku Midoriya
He's really shy with people so usually he'll just sit there uncomfortably while a guy flirts with you or he can come up from behind and hug you, making you think he's just being his little happy self; while in reality he's glaring the boy down. If looks could kill......
Bonus: one time when he got drunk and you where at a bar and a guy was hitting on you he loudly screamed at the guy, "fRiCK oFF! sHe iZz My BuTTERED CROISSANT!" .... you still don't know where the whole croissant thing came from....

Bakugou Katsuki
A boy even talked to you? He's dead. He's a jealous little explodo kill who literally hates anything that takes your attention that isn't him. He will: explode, literally shove his tongue down your throat in front of the guy, smack your ass or almost kill him. You're the best thing he has, he doesn't want to lose you to a nobody.

Shoto Todoroki
He doesn't like showing it. But when someone does get a bit too handsy with you he will either freeze them, kiss you intensely in front of them, or glare at them with his hand around your waist until they leave.

Kirishima Eijirou
Ahhh, it is not manly to just stand there while a guy flirts with your girl. He's a shy, good boy but as soon as he gets jealous......
the crocs will come off.
He'll just intimidate them until they leave, he can become a serious boy in seconds and trust me, it's hot when he's serious.

Denki Kaminari
You may not think it but he's really insecure about you leaving him. If any guy even dares to come near you he'll act all cocky in front of them and try to scare them off and show you how much better he is than them but as soon as you too are home alone he will just try and prove he's better than that guy in every way possible. I mean EVERY WAY.

Fumikage Tokoyami
This boy will get very dark, very fast. Immediately dark shadow comes out and just distracts the guy and intimidates him whilst Tokoyami just grabs you and literally drags you away from that guy as far as he can. "He was annoying me" or "You where wasting your time" is usually all that he offers in protest when you try and call him out on it.

Tenya Iida
This boy will straight up lecture the person who hit on you. So for 50 minutes around about you will see him making his arm movements and speaking loudly at the person condescendingly. This man will try and make the "offender of the crime of flirting with you" see the error of his ways and apologise, and if they don't take the less than subtle hint, he'll just pick you up and zoom outta there.

Minorou Mineta
This guys is disgusting..... anyway, so... he is very protective and doesn't like people trying to take what is his so he will straight up use one of his sticky balls to stick the guys to the floor so he is stuck and drag you away. 

or he would offer a threesome. no in-between.

Mezo Shoji
Very soft. Very cute. Your little baby. Won't really know how to address the situation at first so he'll start by trying to get your attention away from him as subtly as possible like playing with your hair or running his fingers comfortingly up and down your arm. If that doesn't work, he'll form a cage around you with his arms and not so politely tell them to "fuck off".

Mina Ashiso
... chaos. Anyone tries to flirt with you, acid. She is so possessive and just doesn't care to show it. Will blatantly insult them and try to physically fight them if you didn't stop her. She will not accept someone hitting on her baby. 

Ochacko Uraka

Just cries. She panics and gets worked up and cries, although it is very effective as you immediately go to comfort her so she is really getting everything she wants. She cheers up insanely fast from a bit of affection and will just immediately distract you by offering a date. 

Momo Yaozouru

SO possessive. Just very very possesive. Will murder someone for you and won't regret it. Although because she knows you don't like violence she will just give them the iciest glare possible and take you away immediately.

Tsuyu Asui
 A softie. Cant handle it and doesn't like it at all. Will just do the only thing she thinks will work and starts to make out with you in front of them. Very effective and you can't complain.

Kyoka Jiro
Will attack them. Then goes home and uses her vibration quirk for other uses if you know what I mean... to apologise for injuring them. 

Toru Hagakure
VERY SHY. Doesn't do anything about it in the moment apart from nuzzle into your side. But at home she'll cuddle with you for hours and won't leave you alone.

Hitoshi Shinsou
Lets keep this short. He once mind controlled a guy to "take a long walk off a short bridge"... luckily they weren't hurt.... too bad...

Neito Monoma
Loudass. He is too much sometimes and is always looking for a fight so this..... this is his moment to shine... my boy will beat him black and blue until nothing is left. Acts tough in public but at home pouts and asks if you'd ever leave him. 

Tamaki Amajaki
THIS MAN!!!! Straight up...... just either 2 scenarios happen:

1. He will completely forget his shyness and completely obliterate "the threat"

2. He will wrap his arms around you from behind and nuzzle his head into your neck as a distraction.

Shota Aizawa
... pain. He does not, and I mean NOT go easy on them. They started it by flirting with his woman so he will just straight uo hospitalise them.

Toshinori Yagi

Is a pro hero so he tries not to be too mean and just drops subtle hints for them to go away but if it's persistent he will get very mad, very fast and knock a bitch tf out, especially if they're making you uncomfortable.

Hizashi Yamada

Screams. Into their face. For them to go away and stop bothering you. Will keep screaming till they leave. 

1. she flirts with them to distract them from you 

2. she knocks them out. don't. touch. her. baby.

He's a possessive dick. If anyone even makes eye contact with you he breaks a few bones. Will not stand for people even looking at his woman.

Himiko Toga
Knife comes out immediately and she goes stabby stabby. Very possessive, and she is not satisfied until their dead or lost one limb. 


All that will remain if a guy flirts with you is ashes and then he brings you home so you can remember how good only he can make you feel

Tomura Shigiraki
Will casually place his hand on their back in a 'friendly way' and smile after they're gone. He's a possesive boy and he isn't going to let anyone flirt with you, which makes it hard when Dabi flirts with you to wind him up.

Will put them into a portal going to the middle of the North Pole or space. A gentleman has to protect his lady at all times.

Will immediately say their 'not clean' and kill them. No way around it, he won't risk losing you.

The other guy will come out and deal with it, and then he'll come back to cuddle with you afterwards and comfort you, he secretly thanks the other guy for dealing with it but pretends that he didn't mean it. He won't lose the best thing he's ever had.

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