Chapter 7

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The next morning, I'm already standing outside of the door when Charlote arrives to bring me to the field. "Oh hey, good morning. I wasn't sure you would come today." I turn my head to her and give her a big smile. "Yes, of course, wouldn't want to mis the fun." "That's the spirit." That's when she notices my make-up. I've spend my whole evening practicing a look that I liked, and because they don't have damn WiFi over here, I had to improvise. I'm wearing a dark blue skinny jeans, a black top with a slice in it right above my chest and a black leather jacket draped over my shoulder. I argued all morning with myself if I should wear the jacket, because it reminded me allot of the day before, but I eventually decided to just go for it. "Wow, I like your new look. It's so different." She links our arms together and starts walking to the field. "Well thank you."

"Oh yeah, we figured that you wouldn't be shooting today, so Lara is going to keep you company." "Oh good." No, not good. I haven't forgot the look Lara gave me yesterday when Henry gave me his jacket, and I'm not looking foreward to spending all day in an uncomfortable silence.

We step outside, and I almost immediately get confronted with Henry. "Gemma, darling, I'm so sorry of what happened yesterday. I feel fully responsible for the accident. I should have brought the hounds home as soon as they cornered the stag." I smile at him, trying to hide the goosebumps I got all over my arms when he said the woord 'houds'. "Henry please, it's not your fault. There's nothing you could have done. I mean, they're animals. Sometimes you lose controle over them and they follow their nature." He grabed my hand. "Still, I'm sorry." And then he puls me in a hug. I have to stand on my toes to give him a decent hug, and when I look over his shoulder, I see Lara staring straight into my eyes. I hold eyecontact, refusing to stand down. The little speech I gave myself yesterday really helped my, and from now on, I will never let anybody walk me over ever again.

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