Rumtumtugger x reader

Start from the beginning

When you were sure that the furball was asleep, you walked back to Tugger.

Alright, Rum Tum, what was it you wanted to ask me?

Tuggers attention snapped towards you as you walked towards him, calmly.

He copied your attitude and let out a breath as he scratched his eyebrow and smiled.

"OK, so um...... listen. I like you, but I don't know much about you. So I have an idea that late me know more about you and see if you develop any feelings for me whether it bee romantic or just...friends?"
It was something about the way he was talking, an amalgamation of excitement and nervousness, that made you want to listen to what he was proposing.

"Go on"

A smile of relief covered his face.

"Great. So I was thinking that we get closer. Spend more time with each other, talk more, etcetera. And in a year from now, I'll ask you out again. If you say yes we'll see what happens" he said giving you a smoulder. In return, smiled and pushed his face away.

"And if it's a no we'll just be friends and I'll stop flirting with you."

You could tell he was trying to win your affections. It was kind of flattering. The only time you had seen him work so hard was when he was playing with a yarn ball.


"What?" He said with shock on his face.

"I said alright. Let's do it."


As agreed, you and Tugger started talking more, which lead to hanging out more, which then lead to knowing each other more.

It was great. After a month in you were excited to talk to him, to see him and to learn more about him.

He also felt the same way. He was excited to hear your opinions on things, to see you smile, to listen to your ghouls and secretly hope that he'd be there with you.

As the end of the year was getting close, it suddenly struck you that you liked him. Liked him. To the point where your face would pull itself into a smile when you saw him.

"Hey there, kitten, what's shaking?"  The tom said with a smirk on his lips as he walked towards you.

The smile you gave him was as bright as the moon. Full of joy.

"Not much. What about you? Any news on Macavity?"

"No. Not yet, and hopefully not anytime soon." He said with a grunt as he sat beside you.

"Yea, let's hope. I don't want him sniffing around, now that there are new kittens." You answered with a growl.

"Well Munkustrap and the others haven't seen him in a few months so who knows." He paused and then turned to you with a smile. "Besides, if he even gets within 100 feet of those kids, you'll be on him like a bloodhound."

At hearing this you giggled and said: " Well, I do have an amazing coat." As you dusted off your paws.

"Yes, that's true... very true."

A calm silence drifted between the two of you. It wasn't un-natural or award in the least. The two of you loved to listen to the world move around you. The cars, the other cats, the wind. All of it.

" You know..." Tugger said in a calm voice as he played with his tail" I'm scared... about tomorrow."

You looked back at him with understanding eyes. The day he would ask you how you felt was tomorrow. At the beginning, you knew how he felt about you but now you were just as scared as he was.

"I like what we have. It's nice. It's been great getting to know you. And after tomorrow.. that's gonna change."
By this point, he had turned his whole body towards you and looked you in the eyes.

"So, yes, no, Ether way.....  thank you," he said as he picked himself off of the ground and started to walk away.

After a second of processing what he had just said, you woke up from your trance and jogged after him.

Just before you caught up to him you slowed down to a walk. With one hand you grabbed his shoulder making him turn his body to face you and the other wrapped its way around his collar. 

The mix of panic and lust that ran through your body at that moment was unbelievable. This wasn't like you at all, but you loved it.

In less than a second, you yanked your arm down, bringing Tuggers face to your level.

A couple of seconds went buy before you realised what the pair of you were doing. And you mentally high-fived yourself when you felt him doing it back.

It was a slow and passionate kiss.  One that you only hear about in storybooks.  It felt like forever and yet, in reality, was only a few seconds.

When you parted, you didn't need to say anything. The smiles the two of you had on your faces said it all.

Tuggers hands had wrapped around your waist while yours were around his neck. It was bliss.

And the second time was just as great.

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