Diwali ✨🔥

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So Dhanteras is over, and Shivin have got leave of 3/4 days on set for Diwali.

The day of Dhanteras,
Shivin relaxed and went shopping to buy Diwali gifts for everyone. Momo had a small surprise for Shivi, which she wasn't aware about.
M: Shivi, baby get ready. We've to go out!
S: okay Jaan.

Shivis Outfit:

While, momo wore a red t-shirt with torn jeans

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While, momo wore a red t-shirt with torn jeans.
Both were looking too hot and cute 🔥😍😘.

Momo first took Shivi for her surprise.
He took her to the apple store.
S: why are we here?
M: well it's Diwali you know. And I thought of something.
S: and what did you think of?
M: wait. First choose a colour.
S: military Green
M: okay.
He hands over a Military Green IPhone 11.
S: Momo.
M: what?
S: why did you gift me a phone?
M: cause yours isn't working and plus it's new. Diwali gift baby. ❤️
S: awww. Iloveyouuu
S: well, if I've taken a phone, then you should too.
M: as you say.
S: which colour?
M: umm. You say.
S: military green if you want colour coordinate or black looks smart.
M: idk.
S: ummm black.
M: okay.
He bought the phones and continued shopping for others.

They mainly had to shop for their friends and relatives. (You have to gift ppl who gift you) 😂😂

They went to Starbucks And had coffee.
M: it's been long, my girlfriend!
S: huh?
M: look, everytime you can't be my Wife. You've to be my Girlfriend, Bestfriend, Crush too.
S: omg momo.
M: so baby, lets go out tonite. Just us.
S: I would love to my love, but tonite isn't possible. How about we have coffee. Right now together. Instead of take away?

Shivin shopped and went back home.

They reached home,
Shivi removed her and momos dress code. She later helped his mom.
MM: beta, I don't know what to wear tomorrow .
S:Ammi, my designers at be open. You wanna go and check?
MM: okay beta
They go and check stuff out. But they didn't like any of it so they came back.
MM: now what.
S: ammi, the dress you wore that day for dinner. Wear that on.
MM: ha. Ya. Thanks beta

Shivin room.
M: where were you?
S:  Mom wanted help for her dress. I took her to the designer but nothing was good. You're clothes are ready na.
M: hmm. Come sit in my lap.

Shivi sits in his lap and went to sleep for sometime.

They woke up. And went down for dinner. Spent some family time and slept again.

The next day was Diwali!

To be continued....

Saira_Kaira there you go! 💕

SHIVIN ♥️🌍Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя