Honeymoon Part 2

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They were here for 4 nights. They planned to shop, party and obviously romance. 😉
They were staying in Pullman Legian Beach.
Their room:

They reached their room, Momo took Shivi in his arms and started doing his work 😂

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They reached their room, Momo took Shivi in his arms and started doing his work 😂. He kissed her passionately. They made love the whole day. 
The next morning, they decided to shop. They took a cab and drove to the nearest mall which was app 30 mins away. Shivi helped momo doing his shopping and later Momo helped Shivi.
M: Baby, how does this look?
S: Good!
S: are you done?
M: umm. Ya
S: let's go do mine (Says with excitement)
M: yup.
So they entered an Australian brand which had all one pieces.
S: Jaan how does this look?? (She tried a dress with pineapples all over) it's was too cute!
M: awww. Baby it looks too cute and hot. Take it.
S: okay.
She takes 100 more dresses and tries them on. Momo helps her choose.
The day ended on a good note. They went to the hotel and slept as they were tired. The next day they did the same. Shopped for them as well as the family.
That night.....
M: baby wanna go clubbing? 
S: yesss
M: let's goo
S: wait. What should I wear? ☺️.
M: umm. (Takes a dress and gives it to her) this one.
S: but.
M: shhh. You'll look too hot in it.
Shivi Blushes.
They locked their hands and went to the nearest club. Potato head. They danced and drank till 4 in the morning.

The next day, they got up at 10 and checked out and headed towards Nusa Dua their last destination.

They were staying at Samabe.
These were their last 2 days. They wanted more!

This place they were upgraded to a honeymoon suite

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This place they were upgraded to a honeymoon suite.

The link: https://youtu.be/rVIRf6pKTMg.
(Honeymoon Suite) . It was the best!

They were welcomed with garlands and drinks and later were escorted to their room.

(This place gives unlimited drinks)
They had a look of the room and they were speechless. It was that beautiful.

Shivi jumped on the bed and pulled momo over her. She kissed him passionately. They made loveike no other business.
The next day they swam in their private pool.
Shivi wore a bikini and Momo was shirtless 😂

Pool pic:

They give a flamingo in all the rooms

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They give a flamingo in all the rooms. They took a lot of pics and kissed each other several times. They had a bath together and ordered lunch. They went to sleep in the afternoon and in the night they went to Ayana. To see the sunset and to have dinner. They saw the sunset hand in hand. They were indeed the most beautiful couple. They went and packed their bags.
M: this was the best trip ever
S: indeed. Love youuu so much Jaan.
M: love youu too baby.
They kiss .
S: thank you so much Jaan.
M: why?
S: for everything.
M: 😍🥰😘
M: you are my happiness and my soul, heartbeat and lifeline. Life's incomplete without you!
M: shhh. Don't cry. They don't look good on you.
S: 😊😊.

The next day the left for home with the best memories and time they had with each other!

Saira_kaira and kairafanshivin 😘

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