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• Up to fortress Arc, Canon Divergence, Reversal AU. In which Tanjirou, in brim of death, woken up his Demon Magic Art.


Kamado Tanjirou was a peculiar demon.

First, he didn't eat human. It's officially confirmed as he had repeatedly ignored the smell of fresh blood and chose to consume human food as substitution.

It's highly noted that he could suppress, if he hadn't eradicated his demon's cannibalism instinct. How he chose to tend Shinazugawa Sanemi's wound and didn't show any indication of being tempted was the concrete proof. After all, the Wind Pillar's blood is famous for its rarity.

Second, he was, surprisingly, very intelligent for someone who came from poor family. Nezuko once said that it's Tanjirou who had taught her and her siblings how to read and write, and a small portion of foreign language. And thus, even though they didn't get any formal education, Nezuko was pretty confident with her intellectual.

At very least, she was a little bit above Zenitsu. While it sounded not impressive, it actually is as Zenitsu actually got a formal education and much older than Nezuko.

It's still a mystery where Tanjirou got all of his vast knowledge. According to Nezuko who was more than ready to brag her brother, Tanjirou sometimes would borrow scrolls and books from other neighbors. He might learn from that, but again, no one could be sure about that.

On other side, Inosuke finally could brag to his teammates as he finally able to write and read.

How Tanjirou could teach him how to read when the demon couldn't say anything other than hum and grunts is a mystery far greater than previous.

Third and foremost, his eyes were far too kind yet saddened to see.

There's nothing nice about Demon's eyes. Their eyes are always full of hate, bloodlust, and evil that nobody would hold any pity as they chopped their neck. It's not unlike killing a bug.

But--Tanjirou was different. Although his eyes now slited, a proof that he is now no longer a human, the endless warmth and kindness never leave from those pair of rubies. He had such kind eyes that was too humane and it made anyone who gazed upon them left brokenhearted.

It reminded them that he was a victim. He was a good person that you could only met once in lifetime that didn't deserve this kind of misdeed yet he did because life is unfair and he's a victim and he didn't deserve this and--

Zenitsu once again broke into tears.

And fourth, something that didn't have to be mentioned, was he, Kamado Tanjirou, will never ever attack human.

One said it's because it was something Urokodaki Sakonji had implemented.

One said it's simply his nature.

One said it's because that was a common sense.

But, if one asked the person himself, his answer is:

"Humanity... Must be preserved. It's my job to protect them."

And, no,

Tanjirou didn't even knew why he had to.

He simply knew.


It's easy to forget the fact that Kamado Tanjirou is not a human anymore.

Put his inability to use verbal speech and inhuman features aside, he more or less acted like normal human.

He could eat human food, he didn't 24/7 reek blood lust, he loved to make food for others, he liked to play with children at Butterfly estate, and he could walk under open sun.

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