InaIre x FGO (BONUS)

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Irina Girinkagan wouldn't ever admit it, but Endou Mamoru and Matthew du Lac scared her. Greatly.

She had met various kind of prodigy. Academics, physical, speech, and so on. Years observing and analyzing economics world had given her ability to discern someone's skill. That's how she able to build her strongest team, The Shadow of Orion.

She knew nobody could stop her to create the perfect world. A world where violence is no more, where war and fire weapon is no more.

A world without Evil.

Irina knew her goal was too idealistic and hypocritical, but she couldn't back down now. Not when she had progressed this far. So what if her reputation would be pummeled into seventh hell? If it meant making her sons shone brighter than sun, then so be it.

And for that, she made sure nobody could defy the Orion. Nobody could ever stop her creating the Perfect World.

Irina Girinkagan was absolute.

Or so she thought, until she saw Inazuma Japan.

Her first thought was eyesore. An ugly bug inside her garden. While their coach was slightly worrying, their team members were weak.

...Except Endou Mamoru, maybe. She had heard the famous Legendary Commander and she begrudgingly admitted the title really do the justice.

Never she met someone who could unfold his son's plan this fast just by the first ten minutes. If he didn't tell them to unleash his emergency plan, Russia would've been lost.

Irina remembered when their eyes met for the first time. She could see his accusing eyes narrowed and glared with such hatred a child should haven't had. She could only frozen in fear, couldn't speak or move.

She didn't even realize she had held her breath until he broke his menacing stare.

On that day, Irina was very sure Endou Mamoru had figured out her plan.

She couldn't be calm afterward. What if he found more reason to corner her? What if he had gained stronger allies? What if he could convince her sons to turn their back on her?

She knew she was being ridiculous. What kind of adult who was intimidated by a mere teenager?

But she could feel it. She didn't have any proof, but she knew Endou Mamoru wasn't a normal kid. He was a monster, a solider trapped in child body who had seen more than enough and absolutely had no mercy to strike down.

She had to eliminate him. She had to, or else everything she had done would fell into vain. But how? He was well protected from front to back and he was practically still a minor--an influential minor on boot. Unlike that country bumpkin kid who was easily tricked, Endou Mamoru wasn't stupid. He was cautious and knew who's ally and who's foe.

He was untouchable much to her ire. A wild piece that threatened to checkmate her king.

She could only bit her finger as another piece entered the board. Matthew du Lac. An innocent-looking girl from England's representative. A weakling team--they were eliminated pretty early.

She had heard rumor about that girl. A bright kid with strong sense of justice, famous for her vast knowledge and skill in order to support the team. Irina didn't put much worry on her, thinking she was already out of the picture when England had lose.

Yet. Yet! How on earth she teamed up with Endou Mamoru? When did they meet? How come they could work together in span of less than week?

Irina was a powerful woman. The With of Orion. Money, power, territory. She was superior than those brat, yet--!

Why does she feel like she's already lose?

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