Chapter 1: Crush

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Kirishima's POV
I haven't admitted this to anyone yet, but I have a huge crush on Bakugo. I mean, everyone already knows I'm gay, that's pretty obvious, but I haven't told anyone about this crush. It's just embarrassing, since there's absolutely no way he likes me back. I have no clue what I'd do if he ever found out. I'm not sure I wanna know what he'd do.

I've come close to telling Ashido about this whole thing a few times, but that's only because she's my best friend. Even then, I always chicken out each time I try to tell her. I don't know why I can't just spit it out, it's not like Ashido will make fun of me for it, but I just can't do it.

One day, I get a little bit of courage and decide I'm going to tell Ashido. But this time, I decide that I'm actually gonna do it. I mean, what is there to worry about? At the worst, she'll poke a little fun at me for it, but that's just because we're friends. It's worth a shot, so I pick up my phone and begin texting her.

Me: Heya Ashido

Her: Hiya Kiri! What's up?

Me: oooh nothing, just laying here... Thinking...

Her: okay...? Whatcha thinking about?

Okay, here's my chance, I think. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and start typing.

Me: it's nothing.

Crap. Chickened out again.

Her: okay, whatever. I won't push it, I know you're too stubborn to tell me, whatever it is. So, wanna go out with me and Kami today? We're going shopping cause he needs to get Jiro something for Valentine's


What... just happened? I begin freaking out unable to process what I just did or why the hell I did it.

Her: YES! Sero owes me five bucks!

Me: you bet on me?

Her: oh, yeah, sorry. But anyway, OMG KIRI YOU HAVE TO TELL HIM!!!

Me: haha, very funny. No way, Ashi

Her: Oh, come on!! Why not???

Me: cause he obviously hates me. duh

Her: are you even hearing yourself rn? he obviously loves you. You're the only one who can even get two feet away from him without being blown to pieces.

Me: So? Still doesn't mean he likes me. He's probably not even gay

Her: Oh no, Baku is hella gay. About as straight as a rainbow.

Me: Yeah, okay, sure. Point is, I'm not gonna ask him out and embarrass myself.

Her: ughh, ur no fun. So, u wanna come with us or not?

Me: Sure, let me just get ready and I'll be out in a sec

Her: cool, see ya soon

So, I hop out of bed (where I had been laying for the majority of the day watch anime and being lazy) and get dressed. I decide to leave my hair down today. I'm starting to actually like it better this way now, it's more comfortable than having it spiked up. Once I'm ready, I slip on my bright red Crocs and walk out the door.
A/N: So, this was extra cringey. Sorry about that. I promise that future chapters won't be this bad lol. Anyway, I'm gonna try and post another chapter or maybe two today, so if you enjoyed this, stick around for more! It would mean a lot to me. I won't waste anymore of your time now, so I hope you enjoy the rest of this story!
Also yes, the part about the Crocs was highly necessary.

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