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Disclaimer: I own nothing from the Fate Series. Enjoy.

Myddrin, Emrys, Merlin, or whatever you want to call him, hasn't enjoyed his stay in Avalon much. After all having to stay in a boring tower that forever extends upwards and not being able to explore or help people in the real world means that he has nothing to do in here.

However, that changed when he sensed another presence. It wasn't Fou,  no it was a human. He reached out to this presence and felt their fear, their despair, their terror. He knew they were in a nightmare so he penetrated it and saw Hell on Earth and a boy with red hair in it. Buildings were ablaze and crumbling to ash and dust. People were crying out for someone to help them. They were burning yet the boy did not stop until he was consumed by black mud. What Merlin saw next frightened even him. He saw the boy being consumed by evil incarnate. The evil poured into the boy trying to force him to know the world's evils, their sins, the darkness in their hearts. That was until he saw a light that gave warmth and hope. The light entered the boy's chest and he was pulled out into the arms of a black haired man who's face shined with such relief it would stay with whoever saw it forever.

Merlin was then pushed out and was back in his lonely tower. 'If I am right then the boy could be developed into a hero. This time however, they will not die in the end that I promise. He would have powerful magic and would have Avalon which is hope incarnate. This will be fun.' Merlin thought with an expression of glee and joy.

Merlin got to work on making a hero. He searched through the boy's soul and found it. Avalon, the Holy Sheath. He also sensed in his soul something forming. It looked like a reality marble. When he looked at the boy's origin it was the origin 'Blade'.  He also sensed the darkness that had tried to consume him. It wouldn't take over due to Avalon being with the boy, but it was there. He took the darkness and morphed it into a second origin of sorts. He morphed this into a forming reality marble where all of the world's evils are inflicted upon the people brought into it excluding the caster. Merlin then tied a third origin into Avalon meaning that the boy would be able to summon it at will. It would allow him to heal people and would put rightcheous people into Avalon and would be a level of familiar just under servants. It would also allow him to visit Merlin for training. Merlin then opened the boy's circuits for use properly and added some more as a crest that would give him the power of illusions and it would allow him to feed upon dreams for a mana source.

'Huh. Good thing that Avalon is in him or he might turn out to threaten the world. Well might as go to sleep until he finds this place.' With that final thought, the Magus of Flowers slept.

AN: Please critic this. Also if it wasn't long enough they will get longer. Also Shirou will not be OP from the start and he won't be a master of his powers yet. He will still have to work for these powers and for his battles. During the Holy Grail War he will only have Avalon and a small portion of Unlimited Blade Works achieved. He will however not be hurting himself every time he uses magecraft and will not need saving all of the time. Sorry for this being long. See you next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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