His reaction to you wearing his clothes

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When he saw you he was in between mildly shocked and annoyed, only because he just got back from dipping in the nice steamy hot spring with only a towel wrapped around him. (Which by the way was a sight 👀) and you were over there frolicking around in his clothes. He quickly walked over to you and looked you right in the eye with his cold look and asked what you were doing. You said you were trying to keep it warm for him and he said he didn't need you to do that and that there were other ways for him to do that.

🍡InuYasha 🍡
🍡 InuYasha didn't know how to feel about it I mean he just got back from practicing and he was sweaty and didn't want to get his clothes dirty and there you are just sleeping in his clothes. He was mildly annoyed but still thought it was cute and didn't want to wake you, so he just slipped into a sleep kimono (idk what it's called 😞) and gently snuggled up next to you and fell asleep.



Cuando te vio estaba en medio de un estado medio sorprendido y molesto, sólo porque acaba de volver de sumergirse en el buen vapor de la primavera caliente con sólo una toalla envuelta alrededor de él. Y tú estabas por ahí dando vueltas en su ropa. Rápido se acercó a ti y te miró a los ojos con su mirada fría y preguntó qué estabas haciendo. Dijiste que estabas tratando de mantenerlo caliente y dijo que no necesitaba que lo hicieras y que había otras formas para que lo hiciera.


InuYasha no sabía cómo sentirse al respecto. Quiero decir que acaba de volver de practicar y estaba sudoroso y no quería ensuciarse la ropa y ahí estás durmiendo con su ropa. Estaba ligeramente molesto pero aún así pensó que era lindo y no quería despertarte, así que se metió en un kimono dormido (idk lo que se llama 😞) y suavemente se acurrucó junto a ti y se quedó dormido.

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