Part one

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Chapter One:

Point Of View: ?

"Now what was her last class again?" I asked myself as I sprinted down the hall. "Come on! Think… You know this…”

Honestly; I think I should know by now. I flew by each class room, looking for a familiar one. “There it is!” Yeah I know, talking to yourself is a little crazy, but whatever!

"RRRRIIIINNNNGGGG!" The last bell rang out. 'Shoot!' I thought as I dived into my usual hiding spot, behind a janitor’s closet door. This closet is always empty, so I can hide in it without the worry of being caught. The janitor doesn't use this closet; he uses the one on the opposite end of the school. Either that or the school doesn’t have one. And by the look of the guy’s bathroom, there probably isn’t one. This closet is just across the hall from Ella’s locker.

As my eyes adjusted to the dark and drafty closet, I searched for the light switch. I thought it was right under the humongous spider web, though for some reason I couldn’t find it. The web belongs to an extremely huge spider, maybe a black widow?

Suddenly, my hand caught on the now tangled web. My eyes widened and my breath quickened. “Please let the spider be gone!”I choked out, lowering my hand slowly until I felt the cold plastic knob. I flicked it on.

At first, the bright florescent lights blinded me, though I soon could see the black spider peering at me through its beady red eyes, only a few inched from where my hand was.

I peeked out of the small window of the closet door... waiting... waiting... waiting... and waiting... Suddenly, I caught a glimpse her beautiful red hair flying by. Ella grabbed her things and dashed off. Slowly, I eased the door open and headed off after her. I stayed close enough to see her, but not close enough for her to notice me.

Ella climbed the stairs to her bus. I quickly slipped on after her. Without making eye contact, I sat down in the seat behind Ella. She would never notice with that daydreamer’s eye she has. She always daydreams as if she doesn’t live here but on another planet, five hundred million miles away from the rest of us.

I carefully got off the bus a stop earlier than Ella’s and took a shortcut to her place. I caught a glimpse of her as soon as I rounded the corner to her small house. Ella’s home is one of the smallest I’ve ever seen!

Ella is fourteen, the same age as I am. She has two brothers and one sister. I think that her brothers are Max and Michael, Max looks to be sixteen and Michael looks to be about ten. Her sister, Maggie, is maybe eight years old. I'm not sure how old they are; it's not like I'm stalking them!

Ella peered out of their living room window. "Hey! Mom? Do you feel like someone is watching us?" She questioned. Shocked, I dropped down behind a tree. My heart beat out of my chest and I tried to silence it, but it only beat louder. I almost feel like Ella could hear me if she listened closely; it’s nerve- wracking.

Her mother, Calista, put a hand on her shoulder and spun Ella around to face her, "Don't be so silly! Come on, let's go eat."

Calista walked away and Ella peered through the window once more. "Okay Mother."

Ella’s always the obedient one.

Chapter Two:

Point of view: Ella

Some might say I have a 'sixth sense'.

I am able to read people's thoughts, kind of. Not exactly the reading people’s minds that you would immediately jump to conclusions on, like that I can read them whenever I want or always hear them. I only hear them when it’s needed. The only catch is that I cannot tell who’s thoughts whose.

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