But first of all she had to find out where she was.

No matter how much she strained her eyes, she couldn't bring them to focus the mess of brown black and fiery orange.

This couldn't be Ivor's armory. The round rocks she was kneeling on were nothing like the floor there. The fiery light, which's source she couldn't put her finger on, didn't remotely resemble the redstone lanterns he used.

More importantly, the ceiling back there wasn't more than six or seven blocks tall. This room or more likely this cave didn't seem to have one at all.

The walls went up vertically and faded far into the darkness above.

Okay... So far quite a bit of useless information.

Petra rose to her feet. Sharp pain stabbed her stomach and her right ankle. Groaning, she doubled over again and barely held back the stinging vomit, which burned in her throat. She took short hissing breaths, even though she knew well enough she had to do the opposite to prevent herself from throwing up.

After a few seconds of torment, her intestines seemingly calmed down.

As slowly as possible, Petra made another attempt to stand up. Her vision went black for a second and only after it returned to normal did she look around.

This time her eyes did a better job seeing clearly.

She was at the bottom of a ravine.

The ore-covered walls and the bedrock floor were illuminated by the orange light from the numerous cracks in the ground, some of which wide enough for a person to fall through.

Light, nearly transparent yellow smoke or steam came out from them. Did it have this color because of the light, or for some other reason, she didn't know.

Turning her head slowly, she scanned the walls.

The cliff was impossible to climb. At least by a person with her injuries. The rock was too smooth, too slippery...


Petra knew that feeling too well. The goosebumps in her back, the turn in her stomach, the frantic yells her instincts urged her with...

Before she knew it, she had ducked and lurched to the side.

She was almost certain she heard the faint sound of a blade swishing through the air and a frustrated grunt, once its target had been missed.

Petra drew her sword as fast as she could and sprung up to face the attacker.

She had to immediately block a blow from a sword. The blades clashed, each of them bearing the whole weight of their owner.

Petra used the moment and kicked her attacker in the stomach. He groaned under the blow and stumbled back.

Petra tripped him with a quick kick and thrusted her sword at his chest.

In the last moment the attacker made a clumsy blow, which sent the blade down and it sunk in his guts instead, closer to his groin than to his heart.

Petra cursed under her breath, but his blood-curdling screams were satisfactory enough.

As he wiggled on the ground, she finally paid him a more careful look.

Upon recognizing him, her face boiled up in anger, but soon stretched into a wicked smile.

- You are mine.


- Jesse! - Lukas exclaimed when his friend's body flew out from the dark cloud and crashed on the ground.

Darkness Beyond Darkness [A MCSM Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now