36. Beginning Of Another Day

Start from the beginning

With that thought in Alones mind, soon the bright sun came out into the sky for another day. Again like the day that happened yesterday, everyone woke up with better energy and recovery. Physically at least, and thankfully. The same thing happened strangely like the previous morning. Not exactly all, Adam woke up early on the couch from Albert's residence. The couples still were in their deep slumber together. At first he checked on his phone what time it was, it still had been pretty early in the morning. He couldn't decide what to do, either shower and get ready or sleep a little longer on the couch. "Dammit.. I have to get up." He thought in his mind, refusing for the weight to bring him down to do nothing but lay down with the world around him destroying itself.

Adam placed his phone under the pillow, getting up from the couch then over to the side. Lazily, he folds the blankets into one nice pile, leaving the pillows he used on it stacked neatly. Adam sighed in relief, the next task to shower and go back into the clothes that are needed to wear. He didn't want to go out of his own residence yet, he wanted to shower here since it would be easier. He walked to the front of the closet door, his hand grabbing the handle then pulling it in front to grab a towel for himself. Next he went back to grab some of the items he brought with him which was not too many, one of them is his toothbrush for the morning. Within some minutes Adam finally got into the shower without any sound made before to awaken the two. Only the running water had been the only sound in the entire place.

Adam relaxes down from the warm temperature water raining onto him. Somehow it felt as if he was in the cold for too long, needing warmth. His blue orbs had been staring down the floor of the bathtub, his mind drifting into thoughts and plans. "How could I reach out to him... Will they even let him out?" Both of his hands ruffle his blonde hair to cover up with water, continuing to think even more on how and if possible to save Jake. "Why did this need to happen.. Omen probably targeted him, has she heard things about us by stories being spread around by myths?..."

Possibly there can be an obvious conclusion on how she found out about their group. Word had probably gotten around about all of them. After all, what Adam recalled arriving here is Radiant_Day hearing stories and the adventures they've been through. Even if he never spoke to any other myth for over a year, it can be even more possible it had to do with either Alone or Rust. Not that he blamed anybody about it. Other than that, he also knew the possibility of some other myths watching them in the dark. If that thing was to be true then those myths highly have malicious intentions.

Adam applied shampoo onto his hair, continuing to think in his mind while he bathed himself. His hopes for the day were to convince Jake, and for everyone to recover. As for himself, to not give up to the dark. He couldn't allow himself to be taken over by it. It does seem impossible now when one of their friends is gone, but he needs to do it for his name and sacrifice. The name that won't ever go to vain including his entire existence, his disappearance won't wipe him out in all their minds, all will remember him as a close friend. Their hero.

Adam continued on his morning with a shower, then when it was done he brushed his teeth after getting himself ready with the necessary clothes. He found it odd Jake wore them even after seeming like he won't care what happens in the future. He is glad he wore it but felt upset if one day he decided to not wear it only to get in trouble.

Once Adam finished up, there was some time spared to just stay on the couch and look through his phone, which he found not much to entertain himself. His mind drifted off into helping Jake out to bring him out of the dark. If he had to be honest, he missed his friend so much. All he ever wanted is for him to feel more lifted from every mistake he ever made in his life. Looking back into some messages they sent to each other through the phone, he missed the time when they didn't have this mess happening. Even if Jake didn't want to have some friendship anymore with him when he saves him, he at least wants him to be free of the darkness taking over. His safety mattered, he wanted him to be there at the end of the day with the sunset on his face. He wants to be next to him, his friend knowing he won't ever get abandoned.

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