chapter 2

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Sooo, my day is going horrible, im not feeling well, my dad snaped my headphones and my mom is going to kill me... so ya, onto the story


He walked into the mess hall, the walls shown images of whatever really fitted the mood of the room, today they were a bright yellow. The others noticed him as he walked into the room

"Leo!" They all yelled at once, "we've missed you" where were you" "why did you leave us". Questions came at him left and right, he stared at them, grinned his signature smile and repiled...

"I missed you too Hazel, I was in my room Annabeth, I didn't leave you guys, Jason dont worry guys, im fine". They sighed, obviously relieved that the little lanito boy didn't seem angry at them. Not that they even did anything.
A sudden pain that had been lurking in Leos stomach told him to "eat something or I'll just keep torturing you" he slowly walked over to the cupboard, grabbed a plate and an omelet with orange juice appeared on it, he hadn't even realized he was hungry until he smelled the food and sat down to eat.

"So anyway, we're almost there, just a few more stops and such........." the words of the 6 drowned out as leo was lost in thought

'Im sorry mom, I didn't mea- it wasn't my fault, please forgive me'. Leo was tapping a message on the table in morse code "forgive me"

"LEO" Annabeth called out, startling leo out of his trance-like-stat "is something wrong, you where tapping 'forgive me' on the table"

Dang it, leo didn't even realize that he was, let alone that Annabeth knew morse code. Everyone was staring at him, a questioned look in there eyes. "O-oh um, w-what do you mean?" He asked quickly

"You were tapping forgive me in morse code, are you sure your fine?"

"Y-yay im fine, dont worry about me" he grinned and ate his omelet.

《《Timeskip because ya》》

Leo looked at the cuts on his arm, he was sitting on his bed in his room. Although there wasn't much space on it. He ran a finger on them, feeling the slight feeling of them and sighed, "everyone forgets about me eventually, no one likes me, no one gets me, no one...understands me" he held his head in his hands, crying "I am just an outcast, a murderer, a duplio(please tell me if I spelled that wrong) the seventh wheel, I wish I was never born!" He yelled and slammed his hand on the desk "I couldn't even have Calypso, she just used me to get off that gods forsaken island (sorry to all the Caleo shippers-including me) suddenly his door swung open.

"Hey leo-" Piper began, then stopped as she saw the tears streaming down his face. "Leo! Whats wrong?" She asked bewildered that the little latio was crying

"I-its nothing, Piper, just leave me alone for a bit" he said wiping away the tears.

Piper rolled her eyes "oh come on Leo, I know you better then that, what's bothering you"

"I-its nothing, really im fine"

"Tell me whats wrong" piper came in and closed the door behind her, so it was just them.

"I told you, its nothing" he snapped, and stormed out of the room and into the engine room, leaving a stunned Piper behind. He locked the door, to make sure they couldn't get in this time. He heard a knock on the door then silence. He let out his breath, then his hand went into his toolbelt pocket. "Maybe just a few more, deeper this time" he said as he brought the razor out. The bit of blood, the sharp pain, then it was over. He put it away and cleaned up, he unlocked the door and it flew open, standing outside was Piper, in tears

"Just a few more?" She asked curiously

Leo jumped back and instinctly grabbed his arm. Piper noticed this

"Leo, show me your arm" she said flatly

Leos eyes widened "w-what, why would yo-" he never finished. Piper grabbed his arm, pulled up his sleeves and then she saw them. The little marks on his arm and the guilty look on his face

"W-what are these?" She asked anger in her voice.

"U-um, well t-those um y-you see" leo tried frankly to think of a lie, although, under pressure, his mind was at a blank. "Um..." Piper was shaking badly by now, fully knowing what was going on.
Leos breathing quickened, his sight was beginning to spin and he felt woozy

"Leo?! Are you ok? Hey Answer me" piper tried desperately to try and calm him down, but he couldn't even hear her.

Suddenly Leo leaned sideways and his vision went black

Well that was that for chapter 2. Slightly longer this time, I might make this into a story were the 7 veiw leos memories or maybe not, I haven't decided yet. I hope your liking the story so far (:

Oh how am I kidding, now ones even gonna read this...

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