"Jay, where would you go? Just please stay here with me for a couple of days. I need you here," The short brunette suggested.

"I am here for you Toni ," Veronica suddenly interfered.

Toni shook her head and sighed, she hated the fact that the nurse couldn't understand that she doesn't love her. "Veronica, I'm sorry but you can't be here for me, not in the way you want. You are like a sister to me."

"Do you want me to leave the house.?" The nurse asked in shock at Toni's words.

"I never said that I want you to leave the house, you are more than welcome to stay in this house, and consider me a sister because I can't and will not ever think of you in the way you want me to."

Veronica's tears started to fall, Toni sighed and slammed her glass and made her way to her bedroom, Josie looked at the raven haired girl and sighed sadly. "Veronica, do you know who's the smartest person?" The nurse shook her head as she wiped some more tears that continued to fall. "The smartest person is who declares his loss and stops this war. The sooner that person knows when to give up, it'll help make the pain stop for them and the people around them." She said as she got up and went to the mansion.

The nurse then made her way to Cheryl's old room, as she started to cry at what has she done, she knew Josie was right, she knew that it's her fault everyone is in pain. I need to fix this, I have done enough damage. She said to herself as she laid herself on Cheryl's bed and closed her eyes.

Back in the Blossom house, Jason , Betty and Cheryl were all sleeping in the same bed. But the redhead couldn't fall asleep, she was thinking of Toni and Veronica , thinking if they are happy that she's gone. Sighing, she got up and stood by the window as she looked at the stars, all that came to her thought was Toni. She then went to her parent's bedroom and stood by the door watching her parents asleep, she then walked slowly towards her father's side and cuddled up next to him. Clifford smiled as he kissed his daughters forehead. Cheryl closed her eyes, allowing herself to go to sleep knowing that she's safe in her father's arms.

The next morning, the blossom family were gathered around the dining table for breakfast, Clifford smiled as he looked around the table and sighed happily as he saw his kids gathered together. He then looked at Cheryl and noticed she was deep in thought, guilt rushed through his body because he knows he is at fault for whatever happened to his daughter , he wanted to help her, and he was determined to find a way to get his daughter back.

"I want to go back to College," Cheryl announced to the family.

Papa Blossom's eyes lit up at the announcement. "See? I told you there's something inside you that didn't die." He said with a grin. "You can continue, with the sale of the house, I will have enough money to get you educated." He said with a wide smile. Cheryl smiled softly at her father, she knew she should tell her father about Toni paying for her college but she decided against it, at least for the time being.

A few minutes of silence and they heard the sound of the doorbell. "I'll get it," Jason said as he stood up from his place and when to open the door, his eyes went wide when he saw Veronica. He stepped aside allowing the nurse to enter the house. They both walked to the dining room, Cheryl's eyes went wide as her heart started to beat fast. Everyone who was sitting at the table was shocked to see her. She looked tired and sad.

"Vee dear! Come and sit with us." Mrs. Blossom said happily.

Cheryl said nothing as she glared at the raven haired girl . Veronica offered Cheryl a small smile as then she turned her gaze to Papa Blossom , "How are you?"

"I'm good, sweety and how are you?" He asked clearly not knowing what happened between them.

"I missed you so much," She then looked at the redhead again. "Can we talk?" She asked nervously.

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