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The One With The Return Of The Baby Mama

I got home at around 15h00 thinking there would be no more drama or surprise come backs but I was strongly mistaken because in addition to Drake's car and the other 3 cars in the driveway was another car unknown to me. A red mustang convertible. It looks oddly familiar plus Drake's Mustang is silver and it isn't a convertible. I parked behind the Range Rover and headed inside the house.

"Babe. I'm home."

"In here." I put my bag in the kitchen and walked to the living room to see Drake and some woman.

"Hey babe. Where are the kids?"

"Naomi has soccer remember. And Ry-Ry is asleep. Ken this is Amara." She looks oddly like Ryan. That's when shit sinks in. She did look young though. She had jet black curly hair. Honey hazel eyes. And a body so slim you wouldn't think she had a kid 6 months ago. "Ryan's mom."

"Oh." I say.

"May we continue this conversation somewhere else?" She says, directed at Drake.

"Listen here, Amara. This is my house so whatever the fuck you need to say to him, you'll say it while I'm here." I say with my left hand on my bump. She sees the ring and the bump and her body visibly tenses.

"I just came her to get my daughter back." I laughed a little.

"You can't get her back. You signed over your parental rights. As of 4 months ago Kenya is Ryan's legal guardian. I'm sorry but you made this bed now you have to lay in it." Drake says.

"If you don't mind I have to go fetch my daughter from soccer practice, so you need to go." He gets up and grabs his keys, kisses me on the lips and waits for Amara at the door. They leave and Ryan takes that moment to wake up.

"Hey mama." I say and she coos and smiles at me. I change her diaper and we head to our bedroom so I could change. I put on a pair of shorts and Drake's Harvard Law School sweater with a pair of fenty slippers, we head downstairs to get dinner started.

Since I was lazy and tired, I decided on making bacon mac and cheese, with some left over roast chicken and cornbread. Drake and Naomi arrive just as I put the mac and cheese in the oven.

"Hi mama. Hi Ry-Ry."

"Hey baby. Dinner will be ready in 45 minutes. Go wash up, Nai."

"So." Drake says.

"So." I say as I play with Ryan.

"About Amara."

"Its all good. You called Naomi your daughter."

"I mean she's kind of become my daughter over the past year. Babe what's wrong?" Its then I realise that I'm crying.

"This is all I've ever wanted. A father figure for my daughter. Thank you."

"You're welcome babe."

2 months later.

Waking up has only gotten difficult over the past couple of weeks so I work from home most days and go check in once a week or so. I was currently sitting on the couch with a tub of vanilla ice cream with oreos and peanut butter, when Drake calls.


"Well hello to you baby mama."

"What do you want?"

"Get ready. I'll be there in an hour."

"I'm not get dressed."

"Sweats are fine babe."

"Good. Now go away. I'm eating ice cream."

"Bye, Ken." He laughs before hanging up.

Once my meal is finished. I get up to go change in to a decent pair of grey sweatpants and I pair it with black air force utilities and a white champion sweater. My baby bump looks huge and I'm only 5 months pregnant. I find out the gender tomorrow during my appointment. I grab my phone and head downstairs to wait for Drake in the kitchen.

Once I reach the kitchen I get a text from Drake informing me that his outside. I lock up and head outside.

"So. Where are you taking me?"

"What is up with you today? I ain't getting no 'hey babe' or kisses. You got a brother stressed." I laugh at his dramatic-ness. I kiss him and he beams at me like a five year old.

"Unbelievable." We talk about the gender reveal we are hosting Friday night. Its then I realise we are driving into a gated community.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Our new home."

"Wait what?"

"2 months ago, you asked me to look for a house. But I've been looking since Ryan came into our lives. I made some changes to it, kid friendly changes, thankfully. It has 7 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, play room, theater, pool, guest house and many other things that I don't remember. Oh and a 8 car garage with additional parking space." He finishes and I look at him, like stare at him.

How can one person be so perfect. I look out the window and stare at the simply beautiful yet large beige two storey house.

"I love it!" I hug him as tightly as my belly allows me.

I'm beginning to really love life right now.

Gender reveal day

We found out the gender of the twins two days ago and today was the gender reveal party. Drake came up with the good idea to have Jackson and Ryan smash two cakes with blue or pink filling. Everyone attending, family only, was required to wear white.

Since we were in the midst of packing and London was in the middle of renovations, Michael and Kiana offered their house.

The entire Smith-Jordan clan was dressed the same. Naomi, Ryan, Drake and I were wearing white tops with white ripped skinny jeans- in my case maternity jeans- and white Jordan's. Naomi and Ryan had matching hairstyles, high puff ponytails. While I just put my hair in a lazy bun.

"Y'all ready?" Drake asks us."I've been waiting an hour. I really hope we're having boys." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah. Are the cakes in the car?"

"Yes. Let's go."

We get in the Range Rover and head over to Kiana's. We arrive 30 minutes later.

Just before the sunset, we got to make the announcement. And it looks like Drake's wish is coming true. The house will finally be 3 for 3.

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