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As some of you may be aware, this story was finished, oh, sometime in 2016, I believe. As a result, I believe you are aware that this is not a chapter.

It's not.

It is however, a little notice: I've decided to begin editing on this story! :D But to do that, I need to re-read my old writing, and I don't know about any of you fellow writers, but I have a hard time remembering all my little mistakes in writing, much less remembering I have a story to edit when I have others I'm writing. (°^°);

So, in the spirit of asking for help when you can't do it on your own, I am asking that you, yes you, dear reader, read through this story (or re-read, if you like) and, while hopefully enjoying the story, may also leave helpful tidbits of info in the comments. Please let me know of any glaring issue you happen to come across and I will do my best to fix it.

I can't promise I'll get to absolutely every single comment, but I can say that I will try my best. >^<

In the spirit of keeping in format, I won't be making big changes to the formatting of this book, so as to keep everything in line with what 2016 me wrote.

. . . What? I'll not desecrate the work of my young writer-self. =_= What do you take me for, a scoundrel?

Ahem. . .

Regardless, XD Thank you for reading this story. :) Whether you leave comments or not, what matters most to me at the end of the day is knowing that my story somehow managed to entertain you, if only for a while.

And now, without further adieu, I take my leave of you, sirs, madams, and gentlefolk.

~Confidential_Artist, 10/26/2029

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