Chapter 6

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It had started to become a routine for [ f/n ] to return back to the area by the river when Tsukasa would leave to get materials for their home base. [ f/n ] would wait a couple of minutes before she left on her own to the spot of amazing making materials. Some of the materials that he would bring back would be plenty of deer skin that [ f/n ] would be preoccupied with making clothes. With the extra source of material, [ f/n ] went ahead and altered her dress to fit her body figure more and had made herself an extra cloak with a hood to hide with.

One night as [ f/n ] was sitting by the bonfire and stitching herself up a face mask, Tsukasa sat beside her with their bowl of dinner he had prepared. Looking down at the bowl, she thanked the male beside her as she placed her things down and set it off to the side.



"Do you think..we could find other people in this stone world..?"

Tsukasa places his utensil down as he chews his food, letting his bowl rest on his lap. [ f/n ] then takes a chance to take a bite from her own food and observe Tsukasa's behavior.

"If we do encounter other people..we can try our best to help them and try to convince them to join our side." Tsukasa replies as he looks at her. [ f/n ] gazes at him for a moment before she smiles and agrees with him, continuing to eat her meal. As soon as they both finish their food, the bowls were set off to the side as [ f/n ] rose from her spot to stretch. Tsukasa is silent for a moment before he looks at her, watching as she looked at the full moon that was shining brightly in the sky. Tsukasa then rises from his seat, looking at [ f/n ]."

"[ f/n ]."

"Yes?" [ f/n ] responded as she continued to look at the stars, her back still turned towards his direction.

"While you were in stone, what did you think about to keep yourself conscious?"

[ f/n ] was curious about the question Tsukasa had asked and turned around to look over her shoulder. She noticed that he was genuinely asking and had smiled before looking up at the stars again.

"I was thinking about a lot of things. Why did this happen, where was I, how did it start. But..later on, I just kept thinking about my family and my friends..and the one I love."

"'The one you love'..?"

"Mhm..I was wondering what he was doing and how he was feeling. I was praying for his safety and hoping he was doing alright. I even asked myself if he was going to find me in this bizarre world. But.." [ f/n ] continued to ramble, looking up at the stars as she unconsciously wrapped her arms around herself. Tsukasa saw this and took a bold step, wrapping his arms around her. [ f/n ] flinched from the sudden body heat Tsukasa was providing, a blush coating her cheeks as she tried her best to look at him.

"[ f/n ]..if I can confess, I have been infatuated by you ever since I first met you. When I saw you, I was beyond relieved that you were unharmed and in one piece."

Her eyes were wide as her blush was turning from a pink to red hue, embarrassment taking over as she was slightly squirming in his arms. However, that only made Tsukasa keep his hold on her a bit tighter.

"If you could allow me, I would like to keep you by my side and restart civilization together. I may not have your heart now, but I will definitely give you all of my love if you could stay by my side."

Tsukasa had loosened his hold on her and turned her around so they were facing each other. [ f/n ] was a blushing mess for she was shocked to receive an upfront confession. Despite going with her gut and believing that Senku was out there, she has not met any other person besides Suika to help rebuild civilization. She had looked away from him to capture her thoughts before returning her gaze and giving him a shy smile and a nod.

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