"She died the moment you decide to steal her dream! She died when her father and brother left her!"

Cheryl's eyes went wide. "Why am I at fault for something I have no control over!? I was living a normal life before any of this happened! Your sick and you need to find a way to go back to the girl who was once my best friend." Cheryl said with sadness in her voice.

"You ruined everything good in my life and including Toni," Veronica said as she got closer to the redhead. "You love her, right?" But when she saw Cheryl lower her gaze, she got angry. "RIGHT?" She yelled suddenly causing the redhead to flinch. "I told you that I like her why would you pursue her!"

"I didn't pursue anyone!"

"What do you want from her? I have nothing left in this world but her! Why do you want to take her away from me? Why!?"

"I didn't want to take anyone!"

"But you love her," Veronica said as tears started to fall.

"I don't love her," Cheryl replied with a heartache.

"No, you do!"

"I told you that I don't!"

"YOU ARE A LIAR! You love Toni Topaz!"

"I love her!" Cheryl said suddenly. "Yes I love Toni Topaz, I love her and I am dying to tell her. I am in love with her and I don't think I can ever love anyone as much as I love her. And I am suffering just because of you! Because I know that you like her and I know I'll hurt you if I told her, what do you want more? What more do you want me to do so you can understand that I am not your enemy?" Cheryl confessed in pain and anger.

"I want you to disappear, I want you to leave us alone, please leave."

"If that's what makes you happy, then I'm leaving," Cheryl said in a flat voice.

"Yes, please do. This is the only thing that makes me happy. I want you to leave my life once and for all. All my life you have been that black spot I've been dying to clean and it's not going away."

Cheryl nodded. "Get out." The nurse said nothing as she left the room, Cheryl wiped her tears and looked around the room, she only took a few shirts that she brought a few months ago, she placed them in a backpack and made her way out of the room. She then passed by Elissa who was in her room, "Elissa, can I talk to you for a moment?" She asked gently.

"Y-Yes, of course, Ms. Cheryl," The housemaid said as she stood in front of the redhead .

"I want you to send Alex to get some stuff for Toni and place them in her bedroom. Can you do that?" When she saw Elissa nod, she smiled. "Send Alex to a place that sells painting supplies and let him get a full set, and here's the credit card I had, let him pay for the stuff with it and place it along with Toni's other stuff."

"Of course Ms. Cheryl," Elissa said with a nod.

She then left and opened the front door to find Toni standing there waiting for her beside the car with a sad smile on her face.

The short brunette noticed that the redhead wasn't okay, her smile fell as Cheryl walked closer to her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, can we please go?" The redhead asked in a low voice.

Toni nodded, "let's go," She said as she opened the passenger seat for Cheryl. The redhead thanked her as she hopped in the seat and the short brunette made her way to the driver's seat. She started the car and she couldn't help but feel her heartbreak at the sight of the redhead. "Cheryl, your future begins now." She started as she cleared her throat. "Free yourself from the prison you put yourself in. The doors are open." She said as she started to drive. "You need to fly."

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