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The next day, I awoke to Charles gently shaking me.

"Hi kiddo, your friends are coming soon, you need to get ready." He told me. I nodded and began to get up.

I waited outside the bathroom for twenty minutes for Kira to come out. Eventually, she did and looked like an absolute zombie when she did. She glared as she walked past.

I came out in just over ten minutes after quickly showering, brushing my teeth and getting dressed.

Downstairs, the only people up were Blossom, Jacob, Kira, Charles and Emma. "Hey guys." I smiled.

"Harry!" Blossom yelled, running towards me. "Can you play with me?" She started to jump in circles around me.

"Whoa, calm down, squirt! What did they give you for breakfast? Yeah, I'll play with you after I've eaten but my friends are coming around later so I'll have to stop then. Maybe you can meet them." I laughed at the over excited kid in front of me.

"Yaaaayyy! But also awwwww, I don't want you to go!" Blossom pouted, then hugged me.

I hugged her back and told her, "I haven't seen my friends in two weeks, kiddo. I don't necessarily have a long time to be able to see them."

"Why? Do they have to leave really, really soon?" She tilted her head slightly to the side whilst staring innocently up at me.

"No. But I might have to. You'll understand later." My eyes shined with unshed tears. I picked her up and just held her close. She hugged back as tight as she could, knowing that I needed it. Blossom is one smart little girl.

Eventually, I got my breakfast of jam on toast. When I finished, all I could do was wait. So, I played a game with Blossom for a bit. It was only hide and seek.

About ten minutes later, there was a knocking at the door. "I'll get it!" I yelled and raced to the door. I threw it open and there stood some of my favourite redheads and my favourite know it all.

"Ron, 'Mione, Fred, George!" I shouted happily. They all hugged me.

"Harry, Harry, Harry! Are these your friends?" I heard a voice from behind me ask.

"Yeah, Bloss. These are my friends. That's Ronald (just call him Ron), Hermione, Fred and George." I pointed to each respectively. Even the twins. "Guys, this is Blossom." I picked up the small girl again.

Hermione immediately took to her and started talking. "Aw, you are just so cute! I wish I looked like you when I was little." She praises and Blossom started talking right back.

"I like your hair, Hermione! It's so pretty and curly!" The eight year old squirmed to get down before running over to Hermione and giving her a tight hug.

"Thank you, cutie." 'Mione smiled at Blossom and hugging her back.

Blossom let go and started firing questions at the boys. "Why do you two look the same? Why've you all got ginger hair? Are you brothers? Why doesn't Ron look like you two? How do you know my Harry?" Then she turned on me. "Is 'Mione your girlfriend?"

I looked shocked and told her, "No, but she's Ron's girlfriend."

She nodded then turned back to the ginger trio, looking at them expectantly.

Fred started giving her the answers whilst George pulled faces to make her laugh. "Well, me and Forge over there are twins, we're identical although I like to believe I'm the better looking one. As for the gingerness of our family, I blame our parents! Unfortunately, yes, Ickle Ronnikins is our little, baby bro. Ron doesn't look like us because he's younger and doesn't have our genetics. We know Harry because he's Ron's best friend. He used to be at our house all the time."

Disease. A HP fanfic.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें