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Harry's POV

My first day passed okay. I made a friend but got stared at a lot more than I would've liked. Well. I kinda lied. It wasn't that great.

Being the new kid is hard. Having to make new friends, finding out who was nice, a good choice to be friends with and who wasn't.

I quickly learned that Dudley, once again, practically owned the school. He was out to get me. Except, this time, I had no threat of Uncle Vernon beating me if I didn't let him push me around. This time, I could fight back. So, that's exactly what I did.

He could try and try to chase people away from me. Threaten them into not talking or even looking at me ever again unless it was to harm me in some way. I would always be there to step in, to stop him.

Unfortunately, on that first day at lunch, Dudley decided that whilst Matt was in the bathroom, he would start up a familiar game of 'Harry hunting'.

Whilst I was an athlete at Hogwarts, Quidditch needed a different strength than running. It required focus and skill, not how fast you can run. Therefore, I hadn't gone for a good run in a while. Since my before my sixteenth birthday that is. I was outnumbered and outmatched.

There were six quite tall, stocky boys with Dudley when he started the 'game'. I tried to fight back but it was no use. Luckily, Matt came out just in time to see Dudley throw the first punch. He dove into the mess to try save me.

I wasn't going down without a fight. Already, I had started throwing punches and kicks but I was worn out. My stamina levels had dropped so far that they were probably in Tartarus by then.

Matt was a great help. He was quite athletic and if you paired that with his ADHD, he was practically a machine. In seconds, one of the guys was on the floor with Matt's foot holding him down.

As soon as he was let up, he left.

I was slowly gaining back my energy whilst Dudley and the five lads left were distracted.

Once I gained all my energy back, I pulled Dudley away from Matt who was pushing a guy away from him.

Looking towards Matthew, I made eye contact and signalled for him to leave whilst sending a grateful look.

He nodded and ran. Dudley's goons didn't go after him because they were all scratching their heads wondering where their leader was.

We were literally behind a few trees. Matt saw us and stayed nearby. I made sure he wasn't looking before I started.

"My dear cousin, I haven't seen you since my birthday and you decide to start up your silly little hunting game? Well, guess what, I'm not going to stand for it. I'm going to fight back. I'm going to make sure you never find someone to terrorise again. And, I'm not under the 'care' of Aunt Petunia and Vernon anymore. I'm in the muggle system. Foster care. Because my wizard friends and teachers found out about the abuse and bullying.

"The reason I'm here is because I have cancer, Dudley. I could die and all you want to do is bully me. Just like you do to anyone who doesn't fit in. To anyone who is a 'freak'.

"I suppose you find it funny. I didn't attend school until I was seven yet I was smarter than you. I didn't know my name until I started school. I thought it was Freak. You however, had everything you could ever hope for handed to you on a silver platter. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth." I told him, advancing whilst he stepped back. I was moments away from crying.

Not thinking, I whipped my wand out and pointed it at him, still advancing.

"Y-you can't use that outside of school!" Dudley told me.

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