Back in the guest room, Toni changed her clothes and was ready for bed when Elissa came. "Elissa, come in," Toni said as she noticed the housemaid. "H-How is she?"

Elissa sighed sadly. "She looks so sad and tired, I have never seen her in this shape,"

"Did you give her the food?" The brunette asked carefully as her heart broke at the thought of the redhead being sad.

"I did and I just sent Jacob to get his shot, if you don't mind me asking Ms. Topaz, what are you going to do?"

Toni smiled. "You don't want her to leave?"

Elissa shook her head. "I'll never forget how she stood by my side and how she helped Jacob."

"Don't worry, everything will be alright. Keep checking up on her alright?"

"I will, goodnight Ms. Topaz," Elissa said as she left the room.

The next morning, Cheryl woke up with a strong headache, she got out of bed and opened one of the drawers that were beside her bed, she smiled sadly when she saw the clothes she first came to the house wearing, it was a simple white t-shirt and blue jeans alongside with an old white converse shoes. She picked them up and looked at her reflection in the mirror. It's time for me to leave this place. This place was never mine. She thought as she failed to notice the tears that fell. What would I do if I left this place? I doubt my father will take me in. She said to herself as she got dressed in her old outfit and left the room.

She went into the kitchen and found Elissa cutting some vegetables for breakfast. "Good morning Elissa," Cheryl said walking further into the kitchen.

"Ms. Cheryl? Good morning," The housemaid said in shock. "Is something wrong?"

The redhead shook her head. "I just wanted to tell you that I need you to take care of Jacob very well, and stop making him feel that he has a dangerous illness, he will be fine and he knows how to inject himself, he is a tough guy," She finished with a smile.

"A-Are you going somewhere, Ms. Cheryl?" Elissa asked in a sad voice.

The redhead nodded, "I am, take care of Jacob, and please take care of Toni." She said sadly as she took a deep breath trying to stop the tears from falling. "After he went to sleep, I did a small search on the internet and found a couple of good schools nearby here, talk to Toni about it and I'm sure she'll transfer him."

Elissa's eyes went wide, she cleared her throat and looked at the redhead. "Ms. Cheryl? Are you leaving this house?"

The redhead gave Elissa a small smile and said nothing as she left the kitchen and made her way out. As she was going down the stairs of the front door, she saw Toni approaching. "Good morning." She said to the brunette.

"Good morning Cheryl," Beca replied as she looked at the redhead's attire. "Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving." The widow replied sadly.

"W-W-What? Where? Cheryl no, please don't leave." Toni pleaded with wide eyes.

"Toni, my place was never here, I can't stay in a place that isn't mine."

"But Cheryl, where are you going? Please, we can find a way to solve this."

"How? How can we solve this?"

"You want me to kick Veronica out?" Toni rushed out.

"No," the redhead  said with a sad smile. "She has no place else but here, I should be the one leaving."

"B-But Cheryl you can't."

"Why not?"

"Because..." think Toni think!

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